Good afternoon, this is not about my heart as such but I was just wondering if anyone has had this before. I had a blood test it came back and said Pre DIABETIC I was told it is what I eat I was told i must stop eating cakes ,chocolate, ate small portions do exercise etc. The thing is I don’t eat those things I do have small portions plus I walk and I go to the gym I told them I think I eat very healthy my mum was diabetic so they are keeping eye on me I guess but when I told them I don’t eat stuff like that plus fatty food either they said you are doing something yes I have thyroid the under one which has always been under control no problems plus I have a stent but I just can’t get my head round it. So end of July they want to see me again. Any thoughts?
Has anyone had this before - British Heart Fou...
Has anyone had this before

My latest HbA1c is borderline for prediabetes. The level has been slowly rising as I get older.
I also don't eat cakes etc, rarely eat chocolate. My BMI is 21 and I walk between 3 and 4 miles a day with my dog.
My father was diabetic and I was borderline for gestational diabetes during my pregnancies.
My Cardiologist is considering changing the statin I take as well.
I blame my father😆 You can't change your genes.
have you fairly recently been taking meds for lipids cholesterol reduction? they are known to raise diabetes risk somewhat.
hi yes its the usual conundrum, benefit versus risk, very often help for one thing raises likelihood of causing something else!
I had the same thing. My surgery put me on a weightwatchers course, which concentrated on diet and lifestyle. It got me out of the prediabetic range for three years now.
it’s odd isn’t it. I never eat pies, cakes, biscuits, etc. And yet my test came back at 41! Don’t know what I can give up next!
that is odd but no one can explain it?
41 is in range isn't it? I understood anything over 48?
Think 42 start of pre-diabetic!
I have just checked back on my HbA1c from August last year and it was 38. Filed as normal.Note on paperwork: WHO (2011) recommend 48 mmol/mol as the diagnostic cut off for type 2 diabetes.
Yes same with me. I was prediabetic for about a year . Now I am Type 2. After stopping everything sugar related or cut it right down. Thing is my reading didn't change from pre to type 2.I exercise at least 3 miles walking a day or 40 mile bike rides or mountain climbing in the lakes.
I have a theory about why people develop Type 2 diabetes. Eons ago, when we were hunter gatherers, we had very little carbohydrate in our diets; the men went hunting for protein and the women gathered from the fields and hedgerows. Then along came the farmers who grew cereals and we have had high levels of carbohydrate in our diets since then, getting higher all the time. I believe that, for some people, the human body has still not adapted to digesting and metabolising carbohydrate even after all these thousands of years, so it eventually stops trying and we develop diabetes. I'm no scientist, but that's my theory. Good luck Ruby.
Hello Ruby, same has just happened to me. Are you taking statins? They can put up blood sugar by 5%. I have had no issues and within 2 years of taking g statins, up we go. BINGO, as Sistet Boniface would say
When I talked to my nurse about diet changes we had made following my husbands heart attack she did say be really careful with low fat products cause they are often high in sugars and diabetes becomes a risk once you have had a heart attack. I have seen this especially in things like yoghurts, so I now spend a lot of time in the supermarket reading the labels carefully and trying to balance the two. And things like white bread also raise blood sugars.
Hi Ruby, My doctor was shocked when my blood test came back as pre diabetic. Like you, I have a healthy life style and didn't eat processed foods, exercised etc. Anyway, moving on 5 years have managed to return to normal levels. I was very careful not to eat too much fruit or to drink juice, and keep carbs low. I have recently read there's some research to suggest that if you are active for just 10 minutes immediately after eating that helps too! Hope next test results show a fall.
Good morning Ruby300.
I'm the same as you don't eat cakes fatty food or drink alcohol as you do.
Wasn't diagnosed as being pre diabetic in hospital or if I was I was never told.
Found out a few months later from my GP after a routine blood test my dad was classed as diabetic after having a heart attack I have done some research and if true statins can raise your blood sugar.
I was asked to go on a pre diabetes education course by the GP have the last of 19 sessions next week.
Ruby300 .
Something similar happened to my brother. He did not drink, or smoke. He had a healthy diet, no fried food etc.
However, he did eat a lot of potatoes, bananas, and pasta.
Apparently, carbohydrates can raise blood sugar levels- the carbs are broken down into glucose, which raises the glucose level in your blood.
He swapped potatoes, for sweet potatoes, wholemeal pasta, in place of white pasta and green bananas.
His levels eventually returned to non diabetic.
Good luck 👍
Hi Ruby300, in addition to what others have mentioned, which are good points, I have read that stress can also raise insulin levels, leading to diabetes, so maybe take a look at your stress levels and if high, look at ways to reduce this.
hi Ruby, like you I’ve eaten healthy from since I can remember even as a child I was told to eat all my veg up it’s a good job I love good food lol. I’m only 8 stone 12 Ibs and since starting heart meds I went up to pre diabetes which was a shock. I’ve cut out all white carb foods now such as white potatoes, pasta, white bread, white rice and got my Hb1Ac down from 44 to 39 so I’m not pre diabetic any more but have to keep on top of it. Carbs like these turn to sugar when processed in your body so it isn’t just cakes, biscuits etc. I’ve put it down to the tablets such as the statins but we need the tablets so we’ve got to keep taking them. My doctor only tests me once a year so I send for a blood test kit every 3 months from a place called Thriva if you look them up. That’s how I’m managing mine and keeping on top of it. Good luck and always check labels especially Carbs which tell you the sugar content as well as how much sugar on the list. I order my food on line so I have time to check the nutrition and ingredients as it’s a pain going round the supermarket looking at all the labels. Try changing chips and white potatoes to sweet potatoes as they are good for you. Hope that helps you. I’m not an expert on this so you need to look into this and research for yourself. I also used to just ‘one day a week’ eat my weetabix and fruit breakfast then didn’t eat until the next day ‘normally again’ and I got it down within 3 months but don’t recommend this now with having heart problems. As someone mentioned the hunter gatherer didn’t have 3 regular meals a day they had to go out and hunt for food hence giving their bodies a rest in between meals. Now I only eat in a set time frame within an 8 hour period each day as this helps as well. There is a book from Amazon called The Diabetes Code its really helpful and informative. Good luck. Added photo of book.
Check the patient information leaflet in all your pills, you may find that they say they may give a higher glucose reading.I was totally demoralised when I first had a pre diabetic blood sugar but when I rang Diabetes UK they emphasised that it wasn't my fault. My age and family history were my 2 biggest risk factors, neither of which are under control.
The same thing happened to me. Told I was Diabetic my diet is not Cakes Biscuits or chocsa and sweets, I’m not overweight and have a Hiatus Hernia so my food intake is minimalistic I don’t fit the normal criteria, so I have just have to get on with it.
I have also been told I am pre-diabetic. When I asked how to prevent it from becoming full-blown diabetes, I was told to cut out carbs as much as possible. Nothing was said about sweet foods. I researched and found this on the National Institutes of Health (gov)......What foods cause type 2 diabetes? Higher consumption of coffee, whole grains, fruits, and nuts is associated with lower risk of diabetes, whereas regular consumption of refined grains, red and processed meats, and sugar-sweetened beverages including fruits juices is associated with increased risk.
Incidentally I also have low thyroid levels and have lost 10 kgs since being on levothryoxin. Before this I was gradually putting on weight which I put down to all my meds making me lethargic.
I was told by a Dr that you can do ALL the right things but if you you have diabetes in the family (genes). You no are more likely to become diabetic yourself!!
Hi This happened to me also. After being put on Atorvastatin 80mg for high cholesterol after my HA. Apparently meds can raise your blood sugar by as much as 45 per cent so you can have a constant battle with sugars. Atorvastatin is one of the worst for this. UK doctors don't refer to this, but in the US the drug boxes carry a warning saying may cause high blood sugars. UK don't want to admit it. Plus other drugs like Amlodipine do this. However, after following a very strict diet my numbers came down but will always have this battle while on these drugs. Good Luck x
Hi Ruby300 like you I’ve recently been told I’m pre diabetic and was referred for a pre diabetic programme for help and advice. I had a phone consultation with the woman who will be running the programme, during the conversation she asked about my diet which is low fat,no added sugar or salt, lots of fruit and vegetables so fairly healthy. She also asked about any medical conditions and when I said I had a triple heart bypass last November and also have Non Hodgkin Lymphoma she replied that this can have an effect on the blood sugar levels, not really sure what she meant but intend to discuss further at our meeting this coming Saturday. I’m not saying that I never have a cake or biscuit but it’s in moderation and I don’t have a sweet tooth, I do like dark chocolate ( not milk chocolate too sweet) but again that’s in moderation and supposed to be good for you. When I mentioned that I eat a fair amount of fruit she said we will discuss that, so maybe I’m doing wrong there and will have to review it ( hope not). We have always been told to eat plenty of fruit and veg but who knows we will see. I am somewhat surprised regarding this pre diabetic diagnosis as although my diet before the surgery was good it was not as good as it is now, so would have expected it more then than now especially as I have also lost weight since the surgery. Will check in again after my meeting Saturday with any information that may help. Good luck take care 😊X
Could be caused by medication, especially if your medication has been changed recently.
as well as checking your medication as others have alread said, you might find that this has some hlepful information for you:
in case the link does not work that's: Radio 4, Just One Thing, with Michael Moseley and Tim Spector, broadcast on Monday 3rd July
Hard luck, and it is hard luck. I believe that if you chew and chew something and it goes to liquid in your mouth it is a sign that the body will treat it exactly as if you are eating sugar. Also there is a lot of hidden ’sugar’ in food nowadays. I.e. apple juice, corn syrup, etc. Lots of ‘sugar’ in bought fruit juices, most flavoured yogurts, most cereals. You need to do a lot of packet reading. Whatever you do please don’t use artificial sweeteners. They are lethal. Are you drinking sufficient water? Hope you manage to get it sorted.
Yes you are right I know all that I have done my research. Yes I do drink loads of water all the time. No sweeteners? I will wait when I go back end of July see what they say. Thanks for replying.