Personally, I like the quiet but I can understand others would find this difficult to cope with. I also understand that memories tend to flood the mind when it's very quiet.
What do you experience?
Personally, I like the quiet but I can understand others would find this difficult to cope with. I also understand that memories tend to flood the mind when it's very quiet.
What do you experience?
I think I like peacefulness but not quietness. I don’t think I have turned my dining room radio off since before my husband died 11 years ago. We used to have the ‘hospice at home’ snd the front room was all equipped out, he liked the radio on in the background and before we had night nurses I never wanted to come downstairs to silence, I still also sleep with a radio on in my bedroom every night. It doesn’t disturb me but I’d be unsettled if it wasn’t on, I know this from power cuts etc. I used to drive with loud music on u til I lost him then I had to drive in silence for years. Weird isn’t it. Take care 🦊x
I’m a bit of both I think. I likes to be busy & noisy but also like time alone but not silence as such. I’ve had a couple of meditation lessons dreadful I’m just not good with my own thoughts. They take me to too many dark places. So my head has to be busy but not to always partake in conversations. Reading music films tv are great. Always used to sleep with music but now it disturbs my OH & my new earphones hurt. Love music
I personally have both. I like to be alone a lot of the time and just be at peace alone. Not around others. But at the same time, I can't be alone too long because my mental health can take a dark turn for the worse. It's very confusing to explain to others. I need to be alone most the time, but not for too long
I understand what you’re saying. Ones state of mind disctates everything. It’s like looking at a photo of the love one you’ve lost…. One day it’s comforts you and makes you smile and another day it can break your heart and send you into floods of tears and painful despair. Take care 🦊x
Well explained
Wow you explained it perfectly. Thank you
I get it.
I prefer quietness,I don't listen to the radio at home but it's on in the background at work.I like the music but not the chat.I feel more at peace in the quiet and can gather my thoughts and memories.
I agree with you; I prefer the quiet to help me get my head straight. I've tried immersing myself in loud events, but for me, they only postpone the time when I have to face the problems head on.
I sleep with a radio on, but on a talk and news station, so the quiet burbling reminds me of folk quietly talking. My son is similar, but he uses the recordings of storms!
Cheers, Midori
Yes, me too Midori
Storms? I haven't heard of that before 🙂