Hi everyone.
Can anyone relate to this please?
Briefly I had a surgery in early February and haemorrhaged afterwards. My left keg became very stiff and uncomfortable which quickly escalated to a limp, followed by severe pain and stiffness.
I have seen four GP`s, rang Rheumatology seven times, referred myself to the MSK Team, been admitted to the Medical Assessment Unit, seen a physiotherapist , seen my Rheumatologist, been seen at the pain clinic. Aside from a Doppler and blood tests each specialism has bounced me back to the other. I can hardly weight bare, I am falling frequently and covered in bruises, I cannot sleep and despite the increase in mst to 10 mg twice daily the only thing that takes away the pain and allows me to walk is a course if steroids.
I am losing my hard earned independence as getting in and out of the car, up steps and even on and off the loo is enough to make me scream. The Rheumatology Helpline Nurse told he today they will nit give he more steroids and DMARDS are out of the question because my bloods are normal. I am drowning in despair, sleep deprived, my BP is high and I cannot tolerate this pain. My whole lower leg is stiff, slightly swollen, my leg will not bend, my tendons are on fire, my kneecap is hot.
I have even had eight sessions with a Chiropractor who says by fibial head is stuck, my ITB is so tight it is pushing on my arthritic knee, and she simply cannot continue to take my money when she cannot help me.
Has anyone had pain this bad and not had significant inflammatory markers. I have just sat and cried again after being told that I won’t be seen in clinic until November by my Rheumatologist. My GP said on Tuesday that even if I had a total knee replacement ( I have been on the list for 8 years and never been well enough or gained too much weight due to inactivity) my pain would not resolve as clearly because the steroids work the issue us inflammatory. I am it seems nobody’s problem.