Was hoping people would be kind enough to share their experiences of being diagnosed and what symptoms you had at the time of diagnosis?
In may this year I suffered with a couple of very painful and large genital ulcers and a couple of small mouth ulcers - I was in hospital at the time being treated for a slipped disk in my back when the ulcers appeared. They sent me to the GUM clinic for suspected herpes. Blood test came back negative for herpes and the GUM doctor mentioned the Bechets.
I was given an out patients appointment with a rheumatologist which I attended and was told it was very unlikely to be bechets as it is a rare disease - I was given a follow up appointment for feb 2013!
Since then I have suffered with mouth ulcers (on lip, roof of mouth & tongue) in June which were large and very painful -lasted around 10 days.
Last week I started feeling very tired and achey.. I first got around 4 large and very sore genital ulcers and then the ulcers from June came back in my mouth along with a couple more. has been so painful to go to the toilet, eat and drink!
I also have been suffering with joint pain and feel like at an old women at the age of 24!
Went to the doctors yesterday and she thinks this is bechets - I have had some blood tests done today and she said once the results of these tests come back she will bring my appointment with the rheumatologist forward.
I have been looking on the internet and to be diagnosed you have to have other symptoms like eye problem and skin problems - I dont have either of these?
Has anyone been diagnosed with just mouth and genital ulcers and joint pain and headaches??
Look forward to your replies.