I’m not sure where to start, but I recently was referred to rheumatology with possible lupus/bechet’s. All bloods have come back negative so far. The consultant I saw the first time seemed to be really good. I was told if I had any further symptoms they could possibly do the skin prick test.
So I currently have a very large ulcer in my mouth which is extremely painful it even hurts to lay my head on the pillow. I have been getting ulcers every 2-3 months for the past year. The first couple of occasions I had four or five small ones and the last 2 times it has been one but large and very painful.
I have had one genital ulcer about 2 months ago which was also painful. They swabbed it for herpes which was negative.
The general symptoms I have always had are: joint pain, fatigue, skin sensitive and can come out in a rash in the sun if strong, I have history of recurrent miscarriages, some chest pain on certain activities, raynauds, one episode of skin lumps under armpits.
The past 2 weeks sorry if it’s TMI but I have similar symptoms to thrush but with no discharge and it feels more burning/prickly feeling.
When I saw the rheumatologist today it was one of his team and he completely dismissed my symptoms and said some people get ulcers and to put bonjela on and see my GP about my other conditions. He said I would have to have weekly or at least monthly ulcers to even be considered for bechet’s.
I just wondered other peoples experience and if my symptoms are similar or if the doctors are right and that it is unlikely?
Sorry for such a long post.