My MRI of lower gut came back normal. I am now befuddled as to why I am still in pain when I eat. Trying a gluten free diet in the hopes that will help. Any ideas or suggestions?
Test results: My MRI of lower gut came back... - Behçet's UK
Test results

I had tummy issues for years and years. Two things that normalized my tummy: probiotics and ayurveda.
Good luck!
MRI does not image intestines. I know thus as I am also a certified MRI technologist. Upper & lower scope imaging is best to examine inner walls of intestine. CT scan with contrast for rest of abdomen should also be considered. Any blood in your stool? Dark tar or bright red? Gi ulcers common in BD. Mine began at ileo cecal junction. After years Then oral. Then esophageal. Rituxan infusions work best. 2 infusions of 1000mg two weeks apart every 4 months
They did a contrast with the MRI. No blood in stools as far as I can tell. I eat, within a half hour I am cramping and then diarrhea with flem. It hurts a lot in the area of illum but also across the gut. Peppermint essential drops in a glass of water helps. My fingernails are wavy which I think is a sign of malnutrition but can't lose weight.
within 30 mins sounds like a food intolerance. I, myself, became sucrose intolerant with this disease. Try doing a diet elimination and keep a journal of safe foods...find a common denominator. educate yourself on ingredients and their similarly listed names. if you eliminate a food at a time, keep track and only do ONE thing at a time. It can get hectic.... and remember not all things are made the same. One ketchup like heinz has high fructose corn syrup (safe) and the other such as Hunts, is cane sugar.
We actually figured out my sucrose intolerance off of "throwback pepsi" years ago- because as a coke drinker (zero issues...high fructose cornsyrup)- the restaurant gave us pepsi- i didnt think it mattered,. Cola was cola.
Once i would have a few bites of something with sugar in it, not even desserts- but say dips or breads or sauces- at 20mins to the dot- i was left sprinting to the bathroom to pee out my @ss.
Ever since I cut sugar from my diet- stomach issues completely resolved, infections stopped, general well being improved. (i dont fart anymore :P)
I eat meat, fish, vegetables (no carrots or parsnips or beets), and fats. Watch for processed food. I rarely eat fruit, but when I do- its high in glucose and fructose like blueberries, cherries, and strawberries. Pretty limited, but it'll do. Once you feel good- you wont go back.
This website breaks down food pretty well.
Since im pretty sure youre in europe, im pretty sure ya'll dont have high fructose corn syrup in your foods. i think regular sugar is in all yours stuff. If you try to do the sugar elimination, aim for less than 1-2grams of sugar PER serving. see how that does it.
there is also a digestive enzyme biopsy a gastroenterologist can do- to help determine intolerances.
good luck and keep us posted!
Actually, live in the States. We have very few doctors that have even heard of Bechet's let along know what works or what to look for. Love my rheumatologist as he told me to keep in touch with this group as that is how they also learn. Food allergies makes sense. Trying a gluten free diet but just a bit at a time.
I eat very little processed foods and drink water, almond milk but seldom sodas. See the gastroenterologist next week. Will run this by him.
Thanks for your input.
Also USA. Baltimore md here yeah my gastro admitted she would have called me ibs and called it a day had I not done my own diet elimination. She said bc of me that she thinks food intolerances are severely underdiagnosed and even more so interestingly correlated with autoimmune disorders. I hope you find an answer soon!
Started keto diet on Monday. No gut pain. Sugar and perhaps gluten seems to have been the cause of my pain. Time will tell.
I am SO happy you are having a happy stomach right now! Feel free to find me on IG for meal ideas, all of them are sugarfree- sometimes I will do low carb wraps or bread, but its rare- @bitterbiologist
I got all the recipes and snacks for you!
Just remember basic formula: Meat/fish: fats: vegetables- pretty easy when you get the swing of it! When in doubt- protein!