Hello am new, I have a problem with my hands, they give out, my Dr says it's nothing but it's happening more an more. writing this took me so long,they jump all over the place. please someone tell me something thank u so much
My hands: Hello am new, I have a problem with my... - Ataxia UK
My hands

I have ca of some description and my hands and fingers are also weak. According to my doctor it is probably nerve damage but it does not really matter because you cannot do anything about it anyway. I use work gloves when they are at their worst. These are super grippy (latex) and help desensitize my fingers. See Amazon.
Me to apparently also neuropathy?Pins and needles no feeling or pain,Can't write in sequence that's legible?
I do not have the giving out but sometimes they freeze in a sort of claw! Not very attractive and I try to relax.Hopefully if the Dr says it is nothing it will stop?
I had that orriginally now one foot permanent stull spams in neck feels like locked and leaves major muscle pain it happens at night?And wakes me up?I get the numbness permanent in two digits of one hand all the rest came back thank god (I could pick up a drink of water or eat???I complained they got me a white bread sandwich in hospital(god knows how long I was in there or out of it)I would rather not know..I managed by squeezing very hard all the other fingers back but I still at random times get complete numbness and just pins and needles takes a lot of shaking and pinching can be random night or day anywhere or anytime...What awaits me I shall take it minute by minute...
I have problems with mine they get stiff and I have trouble gripping stuff with my left
Arthritis causes my hands to 'lock'. Dexterity is affected, fine motor control is affected. When it's severe I tend to just grab at things with the palm of my hand. I've given up on using contact lenses, until a 'suction' device is invented for removal😂xB
Yes, I've had problems where my hands give out, too. Don't despair. Try to grip most things with both hands, when you can. Also, exercising fingers and hands/wrists might help a little. I made the mistake of trying to pull a cherry pie, out of the oven, on a Holiday morning, and my hand just gave out. Wrist and fingers went limp, and the pie went everywhere. I even got burned a little in the process. No cherry pie for the Holiday meal that day. Using both hands to grip, and not rushing, helps. I have PD tremor and arthritis, plus carpal tunnel in one hand. I know it's frustrating, but I try to take it in stride and keep going!
Thank u
I managed to mend most of mine I can't write anything it was worse for text made no sense now (and ever since this started I can't write anything it's gone from perfect to jibberish.They tried to say carpel tunnel in hospital?I was taken af baclofen (my feet did at one point curl and spasm so bad I am left with shortened tendons and a bunion(you adapt I came out In slippers could get no shoe on I had special insoles but Crocs great I can get them on and they stay on.My physio said fine but you need the bit at the back...I have gone from a 5.5 to a 7 but they are normal shoes you can get them without paying tons once you try the right size!!And you don't look bloody awful (I have my pride!!)They even do jazzy ones!!And Winter ones!!Plus once tried the right size you can purchase online I have 2 pairs lined up!!When cash flow allows!!Left digits no better it neuropathy?No pain just pins and needles in two fingers I feel lucky to only have that.I am improving outside on crutches when I don't drop them or walk into someone and a normal rucksack great that doesn't fall off (The leather ones do)😬I have tried so many shoes thought they where fine and boots and ended up being no use!!Yay for crocs !!The best thing I've used and the only thing I can I have a pair of Birkenstock's for specific occasions (but really only a wedding (my cousins)Crocks not for that!!I keep them..But don't use them until I get another invite I get no more painful spasms the opposite still pins and needles and numbness occasionally in other foot or hand that wakes me up but I pinch it rather than stand up and fall over with my eyes shut I am useless in the shower on a seat I fall head first!!So don't shut your eyes!!
have you got F A? How long for?
Please see a second doctor for an opinion on your issue, self diagnosis on blogs is not way to go