Hi all. Just wanted to share my feelings and hope everyone is as well as they can be.
My symptoms were gradual after suffering complications following surgery but just coincidental as mine was confirmed as SCA6 hereditary Ataxia following genetic testing. My Mum's had the same problem for years but her GP diagnosed Vertigo and has been treating her as such for 10 years and seems fairly blasé even after showing him my results. So far he's sent her to a falls clinic but she never tells him the whole story as she's old school from a generation that doesn't want to make a fuss so she just believes she has Vertigo!!!
I'm 52, diagnosed 3 years ago. Fairly steady ATM but I lost my job as a care home manager for a disabled charity as they wouldn't make any more reasonable adjustments. 15 years and that was that!!
I've struggled with severe depression including two admissions to a psychiatric hospital as I can't come to terms with this, the illness has taken my life away and everything that I enjoyed. I've even struggled with my family and put them through hell and back. Heavy drinking etc.
I was lucky enough to be referred for counselling which helped immensely. He made me look at my condition differently and although I'll never accept it or come to terms with it, that was a different me and even though I'm the same person I'm different and I have to do things differently. That was then this is now.
It's like going through the grieving process and even though I still have the odd meltdown I'm managing better.
I've just been to New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville with my bestie, visiting Graceland, a paddle steamer on the Mississippi, The Grand ole Oprey amongst other things. Yes I struggled at times but I did it. I do what I can when I can and get help with things when I have to.
I'm much more relaxed about it now but will never accept or come to terms with it and this site and others helps as we're all the same and understand each other as we can vent, support and ask. It helps and my motto is
I have Ataxia it doesn't have me!!!
Route 66 next year for my silver wedding anniversary should've been on a Harley but that may prove a bit dodgy if I got a wobble on so it's a Mustang convertible instead
Life is tough but it's to be lived and by God I intend to do just that
Much love to all and take care