Hello all, apologies but this is quite a long post!
I’ve had what a consultant described as mild bronchiectasis affecting one lung tube and a few alveoli, for about 2 years now. I’m 66, exercise regularly and apart from what feels like constant winter infections (taking doxy to remedy) I don’t take any other medication, generally feel very well and don’t cough that much.
However about 5 days after finishing my last course of doxy (felt fine throughout), on going to bed I suddenly felt a strange sensation in my throat, which when I coughed, brought up quite a large blood clot and red blood! It seemed to come from nowhere as I hadn’t been coughing previously and felt very well! Needless to say I was horrified and made sure not to cough any more in case of more blood! I actually felt ok afterwards and when I awoke the next morning I had a little test cough and it was clear.
My Dr checked me over and apart from a slight temperature, she couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I’ve been for an X-ray and that came back as ‘Stable Result’ meaning I guess that nothing has changed since my last one a few months ago (it said ‘Chronic atelectasis noted. No acute pulmonary abnormality seen. The heart is not enlarged.’) Suffice to say my Dr put me straight back on doxy, no further blood seen and I still continued to feel fine and healthy.
Another 5 days since finishing that course and bizarrely again I have coughed up a little red blood and my throat feels ‘strange,’ however again I feel fine in myself! My question is has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? I’d really like to know where the blood and clot came from! Thanks so much x