Hi All, I found blood in my sputum 4 times in the last 5 weeks. It first happened when i had a cold. I used to cough a lot during nights with this cold. It took nearly 3 weeks to get rid of the cold. I found blood in sputum 2nd time during this course. 3rd and 4th time, i found blood in sputum in the morning after having 2 pegs of whisky in the previous night. I literally spit the blood while clearing throat. I went to GP , took X-ray. It was normal. I am not suffering with any other issues like cough, losing weight, and shortness of breath. The blood is about little bit more than quarter a tea spoon but not a lot. My private medical insurance guys ordered me to check with ENT. Another guy told me that it is related to my lungs. I am worrying a lot. I am 40 years old and a ex.smoker (avg. 4 cigs a day stop and start .. mostly 8 months on and 4 months off). i completely stopped smoking 6 months ago. I drink occasionally 1 or 2 whiskey small pegs (60ml) or 2 beers in a month. My NHS GP is not helpful after my X-Ray results came back. She asked me if i found blood again in the last two weeks. I said "NO" and she said that i dont need to worry. On the same night, i had 2 small pegs (60ml) of whisky, the next morning, when i was clearing my throat,i found blood in my sputum. It is bright red in the first instance and the i tried to clear more and got some more blood in sputum. Later on no blood in sputum for the entire day. I dont know exactly what to ask my GP. Could some one suggest me please. Do you think that this seems something very serious?
Blood in the Sputum only in the Mo... - Lung Conditions C...
Blood in the Sputum only in the Morning while clearing throat
You’re pretty young. Do you happen to have genetic alpha one antitrypsin?
Thank you for the reply. I don’t think I have alpha one antitrypsin genetic
It’s pretty common to spit up a little blood after a bad coughing spell or bronchitis or chest infection. Seems like you’ve been checked out and nothing serious found. I’m not a Dr. though.
My worrying part is my cough episode lasted for 3 weeks but stopped on 8th November. i saw blood yesterday morning in my sputum after a month since my cough episode and cold stopped
There’s something really scary about coughing up blood. It happened to me for the first time a few weeks ago, quite late at night, so naturally I sought advice here. Mine was bright red too, which is a good thing it seems. Apparently it’s a burst blood vessel in the throat and not really anything to worry about. I had been in a total state of panic, but felt reassured by the advice I got. I hope you can be reassured too 🙂
As a life long whiskey drinker and have the same problem, try stopping the "2 pegs" for a while and see how you get on, it could be due to reflux. Also I take Antihistemine, one a day now permanently. I found that stopping them after the Summer the blood appeared again, so advised by respiratory nurse to carry on taking them.
I know it's very worrying for you so,
Worth a try.
Thank you Grayjay for your reply. I will stop whisky for a while and check. I stopped around 2 weeks and had it day before yesterday. The next morning,i saw blood in my sputum. As you said , it might be due to reflux or some issue within my throat or lung. I will see my GP today and meeting ENT on Monday . Hope nothing is serious.
This sounds as though it is coming from your throat and is being mixed into the first sputum that you cough up in the morning. If it was coming from an infection you would have blood or pinkish/brownish streaks in your sputum all day. You don’t seem to have any other symptoms of an ongoing infection. I think that Grayjay’s advice to stop the whiskey for a while and see if it calms down is very good. If it persists or comes back when you start the whiskey again get your GP to have your throat investigated. Hope that helps
Thank you for your reply littlepom. I will stop whisky for next two months and check if it is cleared. I am not a regular drinker. occasionally (monthly once or twice) i drink whisky. I noticed that the last two times,i got this issue only after having whisky previous night. It started only after a bad cold and cough episode last month. I am worrying a lot as i am ex-smoker and leading a very busy and unhealthy life style (literally no work- life balance and work till late nights almost every day). I am going to see my GP today and ENT on Monday. I will keep posted.
Yes doesn’t sound like your chest. Coughing when you have a nasty cold can cause a weakness in a blood vessel in the throat and maybe the whisky irritates it. The docs will be able to look to find out. Hopefully you will be able to return to having your little whiskies when it has healed properly. Oh and well done for getting off the cigs. The most important thing from now on is that every day is a day when you don’t light one.
It's worth trying the Antihistemine (One a day with Loradine) if all else fails.
I finished with my GP Appointment. As i saw blood in my sputum (only in the morning) for more than one time in the last 5 weeks, she referred me to respiratory specialist on an urgent basis. It looks scary for me now. I was keeps on telling her that i am not coughing blood but got blood while clearing my throat by bringing sputum up from throat. But As per NHS protocol, she referred me for an urgent respiratory specialist . Hope nothing is serious.

Hope it goes well for you, that you get the answers you need and the problem can easily be treated.
I get this occasionally at the end of a cold/chest infection & during the 'clearing up' stage. Sometimes it's coming from my previously blocked up nose - I could see it in mirror in the back of my throat where the tube from my nasal passage exits.
If the GPs have had a look it'll be nowt to worry about and will disappear in a couple of weeks or so more.
If not go back to your GP.
Best wishes
Thank you all for your replies. I got a call from consultant office. He asked me to go for blood tests and CT scan before appointment. Waiting for the call from Radiology department. My X-Ray is completely normal as per my GP. Hope my CT and blood will be normal. Waiting is stressful. Do you guys know how long does it take to get CT scan results if it is on 2week priority line

Best Wishes Hun. Hope your not waiting Long. xxx
Good wishes. Hope you resolve it quickly, for me there is nothing so scary as blood, no matter how little, when we cough. Hope it all goes well for you.
Thank you whitechinchilla, I don’t have any clarity on why my gp referred me for 2week urgent referral. I have no health issues other than 4 episodes of bringing up blood while clearing throat in the morning. My X RAY is clear and entirely normal. I m too scared. I m going to CT on 20th. Long wait. Cancelled my holidays. Unable to concentrate on my work. I need to wait for around 1-2 weeks to get results. Feeling very depressed with this long waiting

Yes it’s always the waiting that’s the worst. Leaves time for our minds to go off into overdrive.
Keep posting so folk here can encourage you.
Hoping only for the best outcome for you.
With good wishes
Hi All, my ct results came back. Chest consultant told me that my lungs are healthy and no lesions found. There is no cancer. My oxygen levels are good. But he told me that there is a very tiny emphysema found in ct scan. As I stopped smoking, he told me that I will be fine but he wants to report it to GP. Could someone tell me how fast a very tiny emphysema progress and my quality life expectancy? I m too scared now
Hi mate, how did it all turn out? Im 33 and have been coughing small streaks of blood almost everyday for months, ive had CT, X-ray, Bronchoscopy and stool sample - NOTHNG!?
Any update mate???