A quick question: i have to take omeprazole occasionally, as i have bad reflux, However, if i leave them off the reflux comes back. Do any of you friends out there take omeprazole every day? I just wondered if it was safe to. My doctor advised to leave them off occasionally, but after a day i feel the heartburn/reflux starting again. I believe one of the side effects is headaches, and i have had headaches lately. Maybe i should speak to my doctor again.( if i can get an appointment!). I also know that reflux is associated with copd which i have had since 2007.
Omeprazole: A quick question: i have to... - Lung Conditions C...

I take omeprazole ea day
I take omeprazole most days as a stomach protector against a powerful anti-inflammatory med. I haven't noticed any particular side effects. I still get IBS if I eat the things wh. cause it, anything red except cherries, peppers, spices, rind. So unless it's secretly hoarding 'nasties' wh. eventually erupt into a proper disease or illness, its benefit probably outweighs anything doubtful. Good luck...
I have taken omeprazole for a long time for acid reflux and it does help better than any other anti acid. Since then I havent had a normal digestion. Sometimes diarrhea sometimes constipation, cramps, indigestion etc and lately my calprotectine was high. Saw my gp and consultant gastroenterologist who advised to stop omeprazole as it causes all these problems. They replaced it with famotidine and gaviscon advanced.
I take 40mg of Nexium every day before that Lansoprazole 60mg. I hope it's safe otherwise I am rogered.
Hello, Use of Omaprozole is not recommended for long term use. There are a lot of side effects including bone thinning. Look online NHS Omaprozole side effects. I came off it over 4 years ago and it took many months of cutting the dose down minutely as the reflux kept returning. I suffer with bronchiectasis and have regular bouts of reflux so my doctor recommended I use Gaviscon Extra particularly each night and occasional use of Omaprozole when the reflux is particularly bad. Anyone trying to come off Omaprozole after regular long term use will find it a nightmare! I'm so glad I managed to do so. Wishing you luck as reflux is horrible.
Thank you for replying. I might try having gaviscon instead and leave off the omeprazole. I have gaviscon but it doesn’t keep the reflux away very long. If it’s safer than omeprazole i will try it each night.
Hi again, Besides using Gaviscon Extra at night use it when necessary during the day too. Like me, when I was trying to get off Omaprozole you could take a low dose tablet when necessary, but depending on the strength you are already using start cutting it down to half/quarter tablet over three weeks to begin with while also using Gaviscon. It took me some months but keep doing this until you find you are using less and less Omaprozole. Eventually you will find you will be able to use just a little Omaprozole every other day until you will eventually find you can just take Gaviscon Extra without the reflux returning. Believe me it will be a long haul for you over weeks, maybe months until you find what works for you. Because of the long term side effects of Omaprozole my consultant urged me to try. So do try this method and get off taking Omaprozole on a daily basis to just taking very occasionally when the reflux may return suddenly I did it so I know it works. I've been off it now for 4 years and rarely need to take a tablet these days. Please let us know how you get on as there will be many people out there who, like us suffer from this horrible acid reflux.
Good luck.
Thank you, I appreciate the advice, very helpful. I will try and hopefully just manage with gaviscon. It also depends on what food and drink i have and have to limit or stop some things i love, ( i don’t drink alcohol).
Nice to see you back on site RR x
Thank you Izb so nice of you to remember me. It has probably been many months since I posted but I have had a very stressful year because of a number of things besides health reasons so took a break. I notice there are still some familiar names on here but sadly there are others who are not with us any more. Reading about Lyds recent passing was quite upsetting. I hope you are keeping as well as our health problems allow. Xxxx
Pete used to take Omaprozole but was then put on Lansoprazole 30mg each day. I don’t think PPl’s are good for long term use but reflux is horrible so we take them. Do speak with your GP if you can though. Xxx
Thank you for your reply. I might just leave omeprazole and take gaviscon instead( not as efficient but better than nothing). I will talk to my doctor.
You could try famotidine too
Thank you, i’ve not heard of that one. I might give it a try.
You can buy the 20mg version over the counter as Pepcid, but your gp can prescribe 40mg famotidine. You’ll probably need the higher strength if you’re trying to replace omeprazole. You can take Gaviscon at the same time. Gaviscon Advance is the most effective
Yes I do Collie, 10mgs it's just enough and I'm happy it's a low dose. I usually take around 5am (when I get up for a bathroom trip) in the hope it doesn't interfere with meds, vits and supplements later in the day. Occasionally I have a break but make sure that I don't eat any foods that set off reflux.
I take omeprazole morning and evening, no bad affects and my wife take them PM - I believe better to take them rather than reflux symptoms, in the past I have brought up blood, not a gread deal but I saw my GP and omeprazole has helped no end.
I take Omeprazole every day, couldn't manage without it. x
I too take omeprazole for nausea caused by hiatus hernia and diverticulitis (newly diagnosed) I take it everday. Not been told to take a break and I have osteopenia. (Yes, I'm falling apart!🤣)
Try Gaviscon Advance, it’s a prescription medication, if your GP won’t prescribe it it’s available online, a gastro consultant recently told me it’s what is now initially advised for reflux rather than PPI’s, my wife and I are now almost completely off of Omeprazole.
All these posts are very interesting. I was put on Lansoprazole after a heart attack. When I tried doing without it I got reflux. I don't know whether the long term effects are as bad as Omeprazole, but it might be worth investigating. This forum is fab for alerting us to possible medical problems. xxx
I take them daily, have done for several years, tried leaving them off but symptoms come back and also I take blood thinners so I think it gives some protection against ulcers.
I have taken these for a number of years, initially for acid reflux. When put onto Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis the consultant said it would act as a stomach protector. I did come of them when I had a gallstone but the pain in between my shoulders was horrendous so went back on them. We had a member on here called 2greys who came off them by using slippery elm. Speak with your gp to see if there is an alternative x
I take one omeprazole tablet every day and have done for a lot of years, ever since the NSAID Naproxen gave me severe bruising and mouth ulcers. No problems with it.
I have taken omeprazole daily since prescribed by a hospital consultant in 2009. I split the dose into 1 before brakfast and 1 at mid afternoon. I have no problems unless i don't take it then I get severe reflux etc.
I have taken Omeprazole twice a day for 7 years. I was suffering from Reflux and diagnosed with Barratts oesophagus which can lead to cancer of the oesophagus. I was reexamined after 5 years and the Barratts was gone. I also have a hernia. I don't like taking Omeprazole but I have had no side effects. I am going to have a Dexa scan to check my bone density.
I've been taking omeprazole daily for almost two years now to protect my stomach as I take Prednisolone. There's a couple of meds I probably shouldn't be on long-term but getting an appointment with my consultant to discuss is hard work
Please be very careful with ppi meds..my husband was on omeprazole for many years..with few breaks..he tried to come off them and the reflux would return. About 2 years ago he was diagnosed with a b12 deficiency due to taking omeprazole long term. B12 deficiency is awful and he has to have regular injections for rest of life now. It recently spurred him on into trying to get off omeprazole. Since xmas he has been taking slippery elm, aloe vera, digestive enzymes and pre/ prebiotic to help his reflux. It is a long and acidic road at times but he is slowly getting there and his reflux symptoms are decreasing but he has a way to go to full recovery. The ppi drugs are nasty long term and need to be taken with caution. I hope you manage to come off them.
hi l have been on omeprazole since l had my gall bladder out many yrs ago 20mg once aday had no side affects and is safe to take daily
Hi, I couldn't take omeprazole, I'm on Pantoprazole, much better and I do have to take one everyday, if I forget it, by the late afternoon I realise as the acid starts to come back. It is safe tho to take it everyday.Hope this helps.
Trish x
I`ve been taking pantoprazole every day for the last 6 years or more. If I miss more than 3 days, I know about it. All my other meds are in packs of 30 but the panto is in packs of 28, so I do eventually run out. Ask your doctor by all means, but reflux doesn`t usually go away on its own. Chris.
Hi, I have GORD and was on Omeprazole twice a day everyday my reflux was so bad I brought up acid and damaged my top teeth they started to fall out lost 6 had to have top set removed as the acid had eaten into the teeth. Omaprozole stopped working for me so now on pantoprazole 80mg per day but still have reflux once a week. But I do have a sliding hernia at the top of stomach which doesn’t help. This has been going on for 7years. I cannot use some pain meds as the cause gastritis in stomach. Have you been referred to gastroenterology, I ended up seeing 3 different specialists including a surgeon but I am now on observation if it gets worse I may need surgery (hopefully not). I can’t say I had any problems with the meds as I have to many issues ie; FND, COPD, GORD and OA of the spine (with bone spurs) and new is PLMD. So good luck hope you find the answers you need. Kevin
They shouldn’t be taken long term continuously. Good to hear your dr has advised this as so many do not.
Omeprazole is one of many in the ‘prazole’ meds. All vary a little. I couldn’t tolerate omeprazole, gave me bad stomach cramps, but I can tolerate anothe, esmerazole. I’d say talk your gp and try another.
When I come off them I quickly get symptoms back too 🙁.
Diet is importance and avoid stress. I find mine is best following a non acidic and non high fat diet, avoid alcohol, fizzy drinks etc.
Really annoying condition. A good idea to get at least a 2 year endoscopy if feel getting worse.
PS Are you aware you posted this on the Lung health page?
I know, but i have copd so automatically posted here where friends are with similar lung problems. Maybe i should have posted on a different site i’m not aware of.
I have taken omeprazole for years. I tried to stop it for a year trying other remedies mentioned above but the reflux didn’t go away and I was very asthmatic. I was told by a friend that her mother, then in her 80s had been taking it for over 40 years with no problems so I started taking the 10 mg capsule daily and if necessary I take some gaviscon type tablets on occasion. I read that Pantoprazole is better than omeprazole but my doctor wouldn’t prescribe that. The lowest dose of Pantoprazole is 20 or 40 mg.
I'm on daily Lansoprazole 30mg. Cant do without it.
I take omeprazole daily as it dilutes the acid in your stomach & as far as I understand it’s taken daily.
I have two a day one morning one night I've never had any problems with them
I’ve been taking one twice a day for years, if I don’t have them it’s agony, nothing else works, I occasionally get it even when I’m taking them but that’s usually when there something I’ve eaten that has something I can’t eat in it, generally spices which I can’t eat anyway 😊
I too take 80mg of Esomeprazole every day in two doses with no side effects apart from some stomach polyps seen on a recent gastroscopy, which are “normal” on this type of medication apparently. I can’t stop as the reflux is so bad it wakes me in the night with such intense pain I could swear it was a heart attack. It also causes me to aspirate some acid leading to coughing up blood for about a week afterwards. I know this problem is associated with Bronchiectasis, but didn’t realise it was COPD too. The gastroenterologist I saw this week suggested raising the head of the bed a few inches with blocks or books. More pillows don’t work as the position you lie in puts extra pressure on your stomach. Haven’t tried this yet as I need hubby to be on board, but will report back if successful. Take care, and try not to worry about taking the medication that you need.
Gaviscon advance is very good if you want to wean off PPI’s .. but very expensive if not on prescription. As an alternative I’ve found Peptac liquid just as good ( aniseed or peppermint flavor) and so much cheaper than Gaviscon .. for a larger bottle.
I take it twice a day for reflux and have done for years. If I don’t take it regularly it’s very painful.
I,ve been taking omeprazole since 1992 daily, no bad side effects whatsoever. lately i,m taking only when needed,so some days i can go without it.
My doctor has prescribed it for me for years and I take it daily. As I understand it, once a day is safe and without it, I suffer too. Good luck and good digestion!
Hi there. I have been on omeprazole for many years now. No I'll effects unless I come off them; then back to reflux. Blessings and love xx