Hi ,I am a little worried ,i have had a bad chest infection since last week, on Friday I visited my GP and was given a seven day course of Amoxicillin. During Friday night i woke up coughing really bad , i an coughed up a small amount of fresh red blood. Since then my cough is getting better and apart from that once have not coughed up any more blood. I have no weight loss or breathlessness and have never smoked.Should i be worried?
Coughed up a little blood: Hi ,I am a... - Lung Conditions C...
Coughed up a little blood

Worth a chat with your GP.
If mucus is thick and sticky it can tear the small blood vessels, drink plenty of water to help thin the mucus.
Gazza,we all cough up a little blood now and then,often the severity of coughing can break small blood vessels in our respiritory tracts and throat,it can look quite alarming but normaly it disapears within hours or days.so please rest assured for the time being.best wishes
Hi hun it's happened to me before it sounds like a small fear from coughing hard, and as it's only happened once I don't think it's anything to worry about, if there is a lot and happening regularly it could be a bad infection or pneumonia x
If your chest infection has not cleared within the week do go back to your GP as sometimes a second week of antibiotics is advised. Welcome to the forum.