I am having this same problem! I have had asthma for years. I am on controller medications and I use a ventolin inhaler almost daily. I often wake up at night choking and I use my inhaler. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have a home nebulizer machine for when this gets really bad. I've been tested for every allergy under the sun. This is always been blamed on my environmental allergies as there are so many of them, dust mites included. Today I'm in the hospital because I woke up choking I spent all night choking with no relief for my medicine. I finally decided to go to the hospital this morning. shortness of breath, no relief with medication, I can't walk 5 feet without being out of breath even after getting oxygen all day. And now my oxygen level will not climb above 90%. because of that they are admitting me. They've done lung x-rays which I'm told look fantastic. I got a CT scan on my lungs, was told that is normal. If I come off of active oxygen my percentage drops down to 88%. I have been sitting here on oxygen all day! I'm told my pulmonary function is fine, I see an allergist monthly, I get spirometers among other tests and I'm always told my lung function is fantastic.
No one can tell me why I'm here today or what the problem is. my blood work all came out fantastic, I was cleared for both flu and coronavirus, negative on both tests. they ran an extremely expensive viral panel after that and I was told I'm negative for everything. They just gave me steroids, prednisone 50 milligrams oh, I've been on oxygen all day long, and I'm still winded when I simply just get up and try to go to the bathroom which is 5 steps away from my bed. This can't just be nothing! and I've tried to ask if they think it's anxiety yet they've given me no anxiety meds because I don't think they believe it has anything to do with anxiety. I have mild anxiety but I know it my anxiety is over, and I treat it appropriately. I also have acid reflux and a hiatal hernia which has been blamed on some of my wheezing episodes. Even though I take medication for that and was told my hiatal hernia is so small that it doesn't need surgery and it shouldn't be that much of a problem.
Does anyone have any answers from any doctors? I'm afraid I'm going to go home and just end up back here an hour after I'm in my house doing chores and just being a normal human being. I finally stopped crying about an hour ago because I'm so frustrated and so scared. My heart was also checked and I'm told that's fine as well. I'm really at a loss and don't know what to do and I'm terrified. I googled this problem and found his page only a half an hour ago. I'm really hoping somebody has some kind of information that would put my mind at ease. it doesn't make sense that my heart races and I become short of breath like I ran a marathon when all I did was walk 5 to 10 ft at a slow pace.
Does anyone have any idea what other test I should be asking for? Please?! I'm so scared and just tired of not being able to breathe.