After a lungs infection (apparently a strong one, was just gone after 12 days of antibiotics) I was still a bit wheezy, so the Doctors tough it was asthma and prescribed me a preventer and reliever inhaler (I barely used the blue inhaler) however, I returned to the GP and the Dr advised me to stop with inhalers as she think I don't have asthma as I don't have family history and told me to starting measuring my peak flow. I'm 25yo 5'2 - My highest pf was 430 and the lowest 380 - I returned to the DR Today and he said that my peak flow should be around 480 (Is that correct???) I checked charts online and none was saying that I should be blowing 480. Anyway, the Doctor listened to my chest which was pretty clear but asked me to do a spirometry test (Will do it Monday) so we can check if it's asthma or not. The Doctor also told me that the wheezing can be from the anxiety, (I'm already talking with a Psychologist). Do you guys think that audible wheezing and a bit of chest tightening can be from anxiety? I only have wheezing when I breath deeply in and when I'm a bit anxious, the longest I stayed without wheezing was 5 days (And the wheezing last seconds, as it's just when I breath in). I don't cough at all and I don't have shortness of breath ( sometimes I think I have but I measure my peak and it's normal) Also, is 480 the normal pf for 1.60 cm female 25yo? Sorry about the essay, it's because I'm really concerned about it such that I developed anxiety. Thanks in advance.
Not asthma but anxiety?: After a lungs... - Lung Conditions C...
Not asthma but anxiety?

Hi. Do you have your own peak flow meter? If so , that should come with a guideline chart giving an idea of the range that healthy people blow. Because humans are all different, each of us has our own normal range: some will be higher, some lower; and some low enough for asthma.
Yes, anxiety can affect breathing and cause wheeziness. When you're anxious your body is running on adrenalin which makes certain muscles tense up and diverts blood from parts of the body that aren't useful for the fight of flight response. If you're like that all the time, your body can't digest food well and you can end up with indigestion, stomach problems and reflux, which can release acidic fumes that irritate the lungs, leading to breathing problems.
It's good that you're getting treatment for anxiety. It might be an idea to watch some mindfulness videos on YouTube to help you centre in the present and appreciate the good things there are around rather than thinking about the things that trouble you all the time.
Wishing you all the best.
I did the spirometry test and the nurse said it was good, even though I couldn't perform well one of the test, blow as hard as you can and continue blowing, when I blow as hard as I can my lungs are empty, there's nothing more to blow lol, but the Nurse said that even struggling with this test my results were fine. I'll see a Dr on Monday so we can discus the results and what to do next. I'm talking with an psychologist and it's been helping me a lot, I'm much less anxious and I'm 9 days without wheezing, the nurse and the Dr was very kind and they reassure me that I'm fine. It's impressive what Kindness can do, I felt being take care of, so I could relax. All the best to you and thanks for replying.
Anxiety can cause almost anything! The main test for asthma is whether it's reversible, and you should get that with the spirometry. I think the doctor was right to try you on inhalers because, if it was asthma, then you don't want a flare-up. However, sounds like you'll know definitely in a few days, which will hopefully also help with your anxiety.
Anxiety is a terrible thing because it torments your mind and body too. When I’m anxious, as well as not breathing well I get nauseous and I get really bad toothache. It’s ridiculous! So yes I think anxiety can cause all kinds of physical problems. Also I don’t like the peak flow charts. Surely everything is relative. On whom are these stats based anyway. Like Ergendl said, we all have our own range. Good luck for Monday, I hope you get some answers.
Do you have allergy's I get chest infection from allergy's..They never hear asthma but I ended up with asthma from allergy's when I got older ...
No, I actually never had an allergy, I have two cats, Im not allergic to them. I did the spirometry test and the nurse said that it was fine. I’ll see the Dr Monday to check the results. Im controlling my anxiety and Im seeing improvements. 9 days without wheezing. Can’t thank god enough. Thanks for replying
Yes, anxiety can cause all that. I am on anxiety disorder treatment. Those were exactly my symptoms. Wish u all the best
I really think is anxiety (now I do, before I was sure it was asthma, and that Id suddenly die breathless) I’m talking with a psychiatrist, I run twice a week and I meditate and do some breathing exercices every day, that helped me a lot. One thing that my therapist said that made all the sense: is the doctor job to find out what’s “wrong” with me, my responsibility is to live life instead of thinking what could it be. All the best to you