Spring Covid booster eligibility - Lung Conditions C...
Spring Covid booster eligibility

Hi 👋 Thanks for that Jane. I got a text from gp yesterday notifying me of my eligibility. Appt on 1st April at a pharmacy in town. Yay, I won't feel so vulnerable this spring & summer, also have the RSV on 9th.
Hope you're doing alright and getting the sunshine hugs 🤗
Ha, not exactly! I’ve had hip & iliotibial band problems, had to pay for treatment 🙄 just getting better when I fell & bashed my pelvis on the corner of a concrete step. Weeks of inactivity means the scoliosis I’ve had since childhood is giving me grief now. Do you wish you hadn’t asked? 😂xxx
Oh gawd, I'm so sorry to hear this. I knew about the hip but a fall? What a bummer, please get well soon - are you able to get out for you lovely coffees? Once we've got something physical going on other things 'can happen and do! I too went flying on 5th after a very emotional & exhausting funeral day in Wimbledon. 10pm, sober as a judge and floored by a raised pavement in the dark. Also paying for treatment, what else can we do? 😘
It’s dreadful. With bronchiectasis I have to keep moving. I couldn’t wait for the nhs so
dipped into savings instead. Tg I’ve got some!
Sorry about you falling, too. So easily done. I’m in the midst of arranging a funeral, for my husband’s brother, & having to use crutches makes me fearful of falling again. What a life 😬
Get well soon jaynedivney.condolences on yr bil passing xxx
Heartfelt sympathies for losing brother in law, organising the funeral and having to use crutches and all they entail. Using crutches is exhausting and you have to take even more care in getting around. I cannot compare my fixable injuries to your situation at all (and feel mean for mentioning it) although if you need a chuckle you could picture me dog lead in one hand & shopping bag in the other in a heap on a busy nighttime street lit up by a double decker full off passengers gawping. Sending gentle hugs your way ××××××
Yes, I’ve been so depressed, it’s why I haven’t been on here for ages.
I’ve used crutches once before but was much younger then 😬 and you’re right, they’re bloody exhausting.
That image did make me chuckle 🤭 A bus full of gawpers added insult to injury! I hope someone helped you. When I fell I was in agony & husband couldn’t help much because of his bad back, but a kind young couple rushed to my aid 😊 x
wishing you well too jane what bad falls you and peege have both had.it shakes you up too
That sounds very painful,having lifelong scoliosis I sympathise.would gp consider steroid injection xx
I also paid for an MRI scan & wish I hadn’t, it showed my spine to be in a bad way! Yes I’m getting a referral to MSK but don’t know how long I’ll have to wait. Scoliosis only gets worse with age. If we’d been born now, we could’ve had surgery x
Ive had it since I was a child - never bothered me until about10 years ago (Im 79 now). Like many it was caused by having a shorter leg on one side. I have orthotics which go some way to evening things but it still hurts to walk and I depend on walking 15 minutes a day to keep fit.
May I ask, how much does a private MRI cost, Jane? I might well get one. I have regular physio for it and some of the physio exercises have helped but I do feel like I am sinking down into one side of my body!
Im meant to find suitable shoes which can be taken to the NHS technician who will send them to a company which will slice the sole open and insert a "lift" which would be 1 cm thick. They will do three pairs the first year, then two a year after that. But I can't find any suitable shoes which I can bear to wear and which will accommodate my not inconsiderable bunions Consequently Im still in the same shabby pair of reebok trainers Ive been wearing since before covid!
Hope your referral comes up asap and it helps
Hi 👋 Don’t know what caused mine but I had terrible back pain as a child, had to sleep on a rolled up towel, and can’t stand for long so fainted at school when watching science experiments (no sympathy from teachers then). And when commuting to London, if I couldn’t get a seat I’d have to sit on the floor. I mostly wear a back support now.
Like you, I wear trainers. All the time! Nike Air Max 90 suit me. Very shock absorbent. I’ve taken the inserts out & put thicker ones in (maybe you could try just one, though of course it won’t be an inch thick).
I went to Vista for an MRI, it was £375 for one and £550 for two (I had lumbar spine & sacral, and pelvis). You don’t need a referral. It’s much cheaper than going to a private hospital vista-health.co.uk
Good luck with your scan! We stagger on 😂
Pete’s having his covid booster on the 2nd April but as usual I, wife and carer, don’t count. I just hope I don’t catch it then!
Hope you’re keeping as well as possible. Xxx❤️
Doesnt make sense not to give it to carer,Carole x
So short-sighted isn’t it? What happened to “care for the carers”?!
Just a query sassy59, have you filled in a form/ sent a letter to your GP to say you are a carer for Pete? My husband did this from a letter template and now we are offered “ tandem appointment's” for Covid boosters . The other bonus is if my husband is ill then social services notified I need help with daily tasks. I think it is for 3 days. X
Thsmx jaynedivney.i got email invite, but I choose to just have the one in September
Thanks Jane. I got an email yesterday.
The system seems to be more efficient this year. I was offered it on the basis of immunodeficiency, which is kind of lucky as I don’t qualify by age
I've not had my invite am I entitled ive always received vaccine I do have copd
It’s all in the gov.uk link I posted, but to summarise, you’re eligible if you’re 75 on or before 17.06.25, OR if you’re immunosuppressed. The following count as immunosuppression:
organ, bone marrow or stem cell transplant patients
those being treated with systemic steroids for more than a month
those living with HIV
those receiving immunosuppressive or immunomodulating biological therapy, including children who are about to receive therapy
those undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy
those who require long-term treatment for immunosuppression
those with a history of haematological malignancy including chronic leukaemia, lymphomas, and leukaemia
those with genetic disorders affecting the immune system
Hello Jane,
Thanks and yes booked on for next week.
Sorry to read about your other health issues.
Sending love and healing.
Go well
Pauline x
Well you and Peege! What are you like? So sorry to hear what you're both going through and hope things soon improve for you.
Thanks for your vaccine post. I don't quite make the age eligibility so don't get it. They made me shield for all tbose months then tell me I can't have the boosters! Barmey if you ask me.
Still, my fit and healthy 82yr old husband gets them so when I get COVID again (3 times so far!) he should be ok to look after me. Lol! 🤣
Sending virtual hugs. ((((( ❤️ )))))
Xx Moy
Oh gosh, 3 times?! I sincerely hope you don’t get it again. Thanks to caution and the vaccines I haven’t had it yet. Take care then, Moy, and thanks for your good wishes and hugs x
yes, I booked my thé other day. My GP surgery has also offered me an RSV jab so that’s booked in as well
thanks for the post. I received an email to invite me to get the booster. Don’t understand why I qualify on immunosuppressed
Gosh poor you and Peege falling really shakes you up Hope you’re both on the mend xx
It might be because you’ve been on steroids recently? Or chemo? Anyway I’d just go for it 😊
I am on the mend at last, it’s been 5 months! But improvement is maddeningly slow & I have a tendency to do too much too soon because I’m an idiot 🙄 x
You may find that the mobile units are more helpful about giving you a jab if you have good reason for one but do not qualify. This is provided they have spare stock.
Thankyou janedivney...Just booked my covid appointment 😊.
Thanks for the reminder...🐕 Gnasher.