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Asthma Community Forum

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All posts for October 2007

Funny little wires across roads

Has anyone else noticed the two wires that are sometimes tacked down across road...
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under 1

y r gps diagnosin kids under 1 wiv asthma??? jst bcus they av a wheeze n a cold ...
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any other medication

im a sever asthmatic and currently taking 45mg prednisolone,phyllicontin twice a...
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HI everyone, for the past week i have been plagued with migraines. Been to the d...
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Ventolin Evohaler

My current relief inhaler is a 200 actuation size evohaler but I seem to have us...
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Clod requires computer help (again)

I have just downloaded (legally I might add) the new Radiohead album and it has ...
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8 month old daughter just diagnosed

Hiya all, My daughter has just been diagnosed by emergency GP yesterday and have...
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I have been on this now for just over 8 weeks but only on 200mg 2 x day. Do they...
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(lost the plot) update on me!

right :( ive just typed out a long ish message and when it came to posting it my...




Does anyone else suffer from hoarseness, practically losing voice? I seem to ge...
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Antiviral Proteins

I am very excited to of read about the research done for viral induced asthma. M...

Flu jab?

Anybody had theirs yet? I'm having mine on Saturday morning :( Not looking f...
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I'm having an operation on wednesday....

i'm having grommets fitted. Bizarre really because i'm 34. I should of had them ...
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Ventalin taken before preventative?

Just a quick question. I read that if you take you ventalin before your preventa...
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Paper bag?

Someone told me today that breathing into a paper bag helps during asthma attack...
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Asthma Symptoms and Ventolin Use

Due to the subject matter of some recent postings, I thought it would be handy/u...
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Hello again I had a review with my asthma nurse a couple of weeks ago and she m...
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Synth Test

Hi Wondered what other experiences people have had off this? I am currently half...

piko vs mini wright peak flow readers

Hi all I have both a piko and manual peak flow meter (EU scale). I have not us...
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Holiday Vacinations - PRED

Hi All (maybe this should be on parents/carers but wanted to tap into experienc...

increase of medication

hi, My asthma seems to worsen at times of stress(does anyone elses?) my gp sugge...
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Chest Gunk - a bit random

Hey, This is a bit of a odd question I know, but recently I have been bringing...

Pneumonia, my visit to the hospital

Hey Today i've had quite a dramatic day my health has taken a bit of a turn, thi...
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Oral thrush

Hi As you know, I have had a chest infection and two lots of antibiotics. Afte...
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A quick question about ventolin

Hi ya everyone Just thought i would ask a quick question as i think someone on h...
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INSURANCE - Income Protection Cover & Life & Critcal Illness Cover, HELP!!!!!

I hope you guys & gals can help me out. I need Income Protection Cover and Life...
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200mcg Salbutamol

I have gone back to taking my meds for a while now, have had a review with the a...
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Last Post

Hi, its Peter here, i would like to apologise sincerely for any confusion or any...
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Pneumonia jab & a very sore arm!

Hi, Just wondered.... had the flu jab & pneumo jab (never had the pneumo jab bef...
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