Today i've had quite a dramatic day my health has taken a bit of a turn, this morning at work i started getting chest pain when breathing in the shoulder area lowe back and breastbone. I've been fighting off this bronchitis since july this weekend i pretty much felt like i had the flu. I went in to the ER to check it out thinking it may even be a colapsed lung and didnt wanna risk it. They did a chest xray, and EKG and put me on a monitor. The x ray didnt show any abnormalities, and was told its mostly likly a muscle inflamation from all the coughing. Then my ER doc called back not to long ago and said they had a radiologist look at my x ray and compared it with the one last year when i went in for my attack i had. And it shows that i have a bit of pnumonia he prescribed me Biaxin. My fever also went up i didnt have one at the hospital it went up when i got home about an hour or so later i checked and it was at 101.5. Anyone have this experience or similar? what about taking biaxin? last time i took it the bitter taste wassnt nice so i stopped taking it.