Have you had an asthma review in the ... - Asthma Community ...
Yes I have but it was a survey/questionnaire thing by text. It was not face to face
Mine was with a questionnaire, but I asked for a face to face and got one straight away, so if you want a face to face I would suggest you ask and hopefully you will get one
My asthma review was with the asthma nurse.
I had mine in march, which is when I started using Montelukast to huge improvements to my exercises
only a phone call, going through a questionnaire asking things they could easily have found out instead by looking on my records (e.g.any hospital visits, use of nebuliser etc). I am fortunate in having very mild asthma but even so did not think this very satisfactory.
I had mine over phone by the pharmacist at my doctors practice. Don’t really think it was great and would have preferred an asthma specialist. I have severe asthma.
Funnily enough I have just had a questionnaire about my copd review. And answered questions about how I am getting on. Brian
Yes, I have had one and luckily all well.
only online
i had face to face, given new inhaler, then just had follow up this morning face to face, my asthma nurse is brill x
I got a questionnaire to fill in in the post but asked such "yes/no" type questions which it was impossible to complete accurately so I binned it. i.e how often do you use Ventolin per week etc- no option to mention it varies week on week depending on weather conditions/ what crops are flowering , who in the office is wearing a new perfume and all the other myriad of things that affect it. It was also using the form to request a load of unrelated health questions and was not specifically asthma.
I've got a 1/2 hr one booked next week with the asthma nurse and I've already done the text questionnaire. Not complaining but seems a bit of a waste of time as I'm on biologics dupilumab which has completely cured me, we'll 98%. Never mind I still love telling anyone that will listen how much its changed my life and the nearest thing I will ever encounter to a miracle.
No. It shows on my GP record as pending but they don't bother to contact me about it.
My asthma is currently well controlled with symbicort so I haven't chased them up about it.
I had mine just a few weeks ago, my gp surgery contacted me to arrange it as they do annually. Face to face with an asthma nurse, speak flow checked and recorded, thorough discussion of how well managed asthma was. Reviewed and changed one of my inhalers. The dispensing pharmacist followed up with me a week later to see how the new inhaler was going. The asthma nurse followed up also over the phone and checked how it was going, that it was improved etc. Cannot fault any of it, very thorough. Sounds like I am getting better care than some on here sadly.
I haven’t had an asthma review as such, but am currently seen by my consultant every 3 months as I’ve been struggling since last year
Since the pandemic always had my quarterly asthma review by telephone. Had my 1st one with no problems due my second in early June. Will be by telephone.I have Eosinophilic Asthma.
Since before Covid, only tick box form which I think is sketchy at best, at worse insulting. Dosn't allow for the unpredictability of the disease.
No, but phone call review booked so the binary questions don't work 😬
It was text with a link to a questionnaire!
I had a face to face appointment with a nurse at my GP practice. She was really good. Unfortunately I think she is no longer there so not sure what will happen this year!
yes, but it was a questionnaire & then a follow up with the pharmacist
I went to the doctor for something else and she noticed I hadn't had my asthma review so she made me book it!
We get a text link to a questionnaire to fill in a few days before the f2f review so that the nurse had an idea how you've been ahead of time.
Our (current) nurse is very good (we've had some horrors in the past!), she looks at the questions, ticks her boxes but also asks if there's anything I want to add the questionnaire doesn't cover and she will also address anything else necessary. This year my 'asthma' review had quite a focus on my blood pressure - my asthma has been well-behaved recently whereas my BP hasn't.
I felt it was a useful appointment 🙂👍
voted yes, but it was a questionnaire.
Yes, but always by text survey. Which I find almost impossible to do, when you are variable. I didn't vote, because is that a review? No technique checked, peak flow checked. Inhaler technique checked, asthma management plan reviewed,.
Questionnaire via text message. Then I got to see the asthma nurse. Was told to book a face to face for this year.
When I complained of worsening asthma, my GP put me on Advair and said we'll revisit in six months. I no longer have a pulmonologist because my asthma has been mild for such a long time; I'm hoping my GP can finally refer me to one - it's been decades since my asthma has been reviewed.
I get the text questionnaire first. Then another text to say that as I'm under the Royal Brompton hospital the surgery doesn't need to do any testing.
Yes I have but I still have appointments booked with the hospital Respiratory consultant & reviews with their asthma nurses. I was in hospital for 10 days last year & haven’t been discharged yet. I am being cared for really well.
I have replied no. I did have one by text. Not sure if this counts a a review.
I have answered yes, my GP text me saying I was due one ... I called up and got a face to face appointment quite early one morning... I was expecting a questionnaire/phone one as I had seen a few posts about this being the way it was done.
I have had pneumonia this year and we had a very encouraging discussion about changing biologics and using different inhalers.
I am a brittle asthmatic and have decided to trial new treatments to reduce my dependence on steroids. It has been a challenging journey but the hospital respiratory team have been amazing
I did have an appointment with the nurse for a review but because I had recently started going to a respiratory consultant she only took my height as it was missing from my records.
I had a review in March, by phone.
but it was my first since before Covid!
To be honest my surgery don’t bother as they say im under tertiary care…🤷♂️
However I’m not worried really as some tick box questions and answers are not helpful to anyone especially from a nurse who appears unqualified with adthma…
Mine was gd( i thought at the time),she said she wasn't doing the tick- box routine but wanted to work with me+ my hospital treatment to make it better for me.however the one thing she said she would do - ring to order replacement tubing etc for nebulisers - not heard a thing!
Yes because I was only formally diagnosed in the last year and have had 2 face to face review appointments and a telephone call with the asthma nurse since diagnosis. I’m not sure if I will get a yearly review with asthma nurse specifically or just a review with pharmacist of my overall medication before they will agree to prescribe again. It might be at my surgery that they only really see you if you’re having issues with your asthma or medication or have moderate or severe asthma and then they will call you in for a face to face. I think every practice will be different but it’s recommended that asthma is reviewed every year at the bare minimum especially if you experience flare ups, to ensure your medication is still effective, how often your needing to use Salbutamol, if your daily life is being affected by your symptoms, also to review your asthma action plan if you have one etc.
Yes. It was part of my annual health review.

I chose yes but not really sure. My hospital team phone appt has been postponed multiple times even after my admissions. Partly them and partly me. I suppose I should be annoyed but they never do anything useful anyway, and it's tertiary so I can't go any further.
I did have an overall medication review in October which took an interesting turn into A&E. I chose face to face because I live down the road and it's easier than waiting for a phone call but I was rushing around just before, so my lungs weren't happy and heart rate was way up as a result.
I didn't feel that bad but the pharmacist wasn't happy so she called the GP in, GP wasn't happy so she made me go to A&E. I felt like a massive fraud given I didn't think I was that bad but ended up getting nebs and magnesium. Which definitely helped so we agreed I could go home instead of staying overnight. What a review...I guess sometimes we underestimate.
I'm sure that pharmacist will be delighted to see me again! 😅
Yes - I had an appointment with the asthma nurse in early autumn to check things were well under control before the winter, which is the time I find hardest.
I have not had an asthma review but I have been to hospital twice with pneumonia. There I received steroid therapy, antibiotics and nebulisers. I had a lung CT and I paid privately for LFT.
I have a HDCT scan booked for 3 June and am currently taking oral steroids again for a post viral bronchitis and have had Spiriva added to salbutamol and Relvar Ellipta inhalers.
The nurse is supposed to call me for an asthma review but she never does.
Yes it took 4 months to get an appointment
First time in years not be contacted for an asthma review with the asthma nurse, even though the GP surgery continued to hold reviews by telephone during the pandemic. This is year's review is due and I will be pursuing that.
Mine was with a guy from AstraZeneca working with the practice. I knew he would want to change something and he did, he wanted to change my Fostair. No No - I am happy with the three inhalers I have.
Yes, as my asthma was playing up a bit. So had a diabetes nurse run review with my named diabetic nurse.
not yet but I’ll need to call asthma nurse and have it looked at , my meds for it have been changing so they are in contact with me each month , but not had yearly review yet ,
Update - Yesterday I was contacted about my yearly asthma review, and I have been offered face to face.
yes but via text not face to face and since there has been slight worsening, I would have expected it to picked up. It wasn’t so I have requested an appt with the asthma nurse.