Just wondering how everyone copes the best with anxiety,medication or therapy or both? My GP only shows a little compassion unless I stay on medication!Supposed to have phone counselling (which has been cancelled three times) so would be interested to find out out how everyone else keeps going
Medication or Therapy?: Just wondering how... - Anxiety Support
Medication or Therapy?

Hi Aden65,personally I would go for both.I did and it really helps,I take fluoxetine 20mg and I also had a course of group self help with Talking Matters it was very informative and made me understand just what anxiety is all about.I am a lot better for it.
Take care Kenny
Hi Aden
I recommend DR. CLAIRE WEEKES book on nerves, I prefer the one on agoraphobia though, but I think they have got a new one out that incorparates both books in one.
Its been a godsend to me, and many others.
As to therapy and meds, do what suits you, you know how your feeling..............
Wishing you well
Hi I would say the most effective way is both. I have got by over the years with meds that helped for a while but I didn't deal with the root cause or had anyone challenge my thinking. Ive also managed difficult periods of my life without meds. With therapy I have learned to accept myself and not be fearful of how I feel or what I'm thinking. If you accept anxiety/depression as part of you rather than be fearful of it it has less strength. take care Love eve x
Thank you Eve I am hoping the counselling (when it finally gets started) will help as I don't want to become reliant on medication for the rest of my life! Thanks for caring xx
You are welcome stay on your meds and they will act as a prop for now and remember you need stay on them for a few months after you feel well in order for them to do their job. Stay in touch with your gp don't just come off them (lesson I learnt in the past). With meds and counselling you will be well again soon stay strong love eve x

Hi Eve, Ive just stopped taking my medication, i did 1st week, 3 pills, 2nd week, 1 pill and 3rd week stopped, im now on my 5th week. What was your experience of coming off? x
I think it depends on your own needs- if you feel comfortable taking meds then you should! And there are lots of different types of therapy, CBT can be helpful with minor anxiety (Though it never helped me as the primary goal is to revise irrational thoughts, and my anxiety rarely has thoughts behind it), and talking it out with a psychiatrist might also be helpful. I'd try the CBT first, then meds if you feel them necessary
Hi aden65 . I have just started fluoxitine about a month ago and CBT an I have certainly noticwd that the combination of the too has had a positive impact on my life. My anxiety is still there but I am coping alot better day to day . The meds are helping relieve the physical side effects ofy anxiety and the CBT the root cause . But different things work for diffrent people my GP told me its trial n error alot of the time . Good luck x
Thanks all for taking the time to answer my question as I have never felt like this! started getting panic attacks after my son was beaten up badly in the Summer Just seems to have escalated from then with bad anxiety (mainly health anxiety). Just really hate the thought of medication but then the counselling has been cancelled three times and weeks in between appointments too!Hope you are all ok (I know we all have good and bad days