What are people doing to take their mind o... - Anxiety Support
What are people doing to take their mind off anxiety?
I usually go for a drive somewhere whilst listening to a few of my favourite songs. I find that it takes my mind off of anxiety for a little while.
Hope this helps
i have to get stuck into something like a good programme or something i really enjoy like grooming my dog. when my anxiety is so high i just cant function i go on to youtube and put in hypnotherapy anxiety and relax for a while and burn some lavender oil while sitting in my massage chair. x
Sounds stupid but what I do is playing scrabble online, on Facebook you can play with people all over the world and you can chat the same time! It's something you need to concentrate to find words... I forget about being anxious and feel better quick! X
Sounds quite cool I might try it
Hi Gray
I read, come on here and reply to various posts and immerse myself in silly games on my phone. But mainly I go to work - as a rule I feel much better there as I don't have time to think of anything but the task in hand. It's not fool proof (there's always the fool who can get round my defences!!!!) but it helps.
Hope you feel better soon.
Happy Easter! Hope that you are ok...I usually make a video on youtube and it helps as I spend my time trying to help others and that way I keep the focus off of me. I also enjoy just being on my phone sending voice notes to friends that tends to help. I like watching videos on youtube also. I also go outside now and then for fresh air even it it is just for 2 minutes. It helps me to get fresh air and not feel so trapped. Above all I enjoy watching motivational speaking videos it really helps me to stay positive and motivates me to succeed in life. I also think that positive affirmations may be useful for you. Speaking positive can really help to break the negative cycle. Hope this helps. xx
if its too much i browse the net, it helps in gettin my mind of my anxiety