It gone 3am and I feel jittery and sick......the strange thing is im soooo tierd but cant get to sleep. I dont usally have a problem nodding off but lately its happening alot, waking at 12/1 ish and not sleeping again untill 4/5 ish. How do you sleep?
I really think its impossible to sleep thi... - Anxiety Support
I really think its impossible to sleep this anxious!

Hope you soon get some sleep Sam. I am wide awake been working all evening here at my desk : ) Just off to sleep now. Hope you soon drop off, Vince : )
sleep is vital to good health.sleeplessness causes anxiety and healt can get relief to your anxiety by taking supplements like pumpkin seed oil,chamamiila, valeriana,theonie,5 htp, st johnswort,.For sound night peaceful sleep you can try melatonin and gaba supplemets whih help alot. but first you should have a thorough medical check up. may be stress is the cause of your condition.
Hope you got to sleep Sam , & feel better today , maybe for those who suffer with sleeping the changing of the clocks wont help , but hopefully a sign of Summer coming

hi whywhy, i finerly nodded of at about 4.30 so i will probably cat nap today but what the well its easter and everyones probably lounging today. im due on s that could have something to do with it. have a calm easter. xxxxxxxx
Yes you are right Sam its Easter so we can lounge & nap
You are right as well & may be keep a note how you feel at the mo & see over the month if there is a pattern , that way if there is , it can seem less stressful as we no what the reason could be
Have a relaxing day
Hi Sam, sorry you are going through this,
I recently had to do over 30 hrs being awake in order to regulate sleep. Was given sleeping pills that didn't work so had to resort to a long waker. I've slept well since apart from a cough keeping me up one night. I hope you don't have to go through a long waker to get back to normal. All the best xxx

30 hrs!!!!! how did you manage that, i dont think i would last that long well i hope i wouldnt you must of felt like crap. i did finerly get to sleep but had the most randon dreams. have a great anxious free easter. xxxxxx
Sometimes Sam. If I am working on something I stay awake late