does anyone know who came out of depressio... - Anxiety Support

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does anyone know who came out of depression and anxiety completely

mariae profile image
34 Replies

i need inspiration... sometimes i get more depress reading all our problems

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mariae profile image
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34 Replies

Hi there,please read my blogs,I am feeling much more positive since going to my group meeting,far more positive.You can feel better also,try to find a group,it has really,honestly helped me,take care.

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to

hi pls tell me the name of your blog---will read it... really needs a positive inspiration

tintin5187 profile image

Hi, I feel exactly the same about the blogs.... They get me down, not enough positivity & also alot of stuff being written thats not actually about anxiety etc.

I am a positive person and go through bouts of anxiety or depression and sometimes together. At the moment I am in a good state of mind, looking forward now. If you ever want more chat/help message me x x x

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to tintin5187

do you know anyone who came out completely out of this ---pls tell me their stories...

how do you inspire yourself when you are feeling down

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to mariae

I came out of anxiety completely last year. I was completely off medication for a few months. Sadly it came back following a nasty bout of labarynthitis. But last year was a really good year. I am clinging to the belief that if I beat it once, I can beat it again.

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to GrayEm

Good to know that you came out of it once im sure you will feel better again. besides medication what else did you do to recover

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to mariae

I was on Citalapram, which the doctor increased up to 40mg. I did go to see a Psychologist, who taught me some breathing exercises. I also drew on my Christian faith. The other thing was that I forced myself to keep doing all the normal things in life. It did take me around a year to get completely better, but I gradually started feeling better several months before that. It is just a pain, that it has come back again.

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to GrayEm

I too was on citalapram but i did not work for me and i stop it a after a while.... so now im not on medication at all between i do feel better sometimes but when it comes back i feel like it is much worse than you feel like that too?

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to mariae

Yes I sure do. I'm sure things are not necessarily worse, but your mind tricks you into thinking that way. I am currently on citalapram plus 3 other meds for anxiety. They dont seem to be doing much good this time. Last time I started taking them in May 2011 and increased to 40mg in Nov 2011. I really felt completely better by around Feb last year.

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to GrayEm

I have this weird physical symptoms like pounding heart and my hands and legs are turning into jelly even when i dont have panic atttack, i feel restless....watching tv used to be my comfort zone but now, even while i watch tv i get all jiterry... does anxiousness cause all this physical symptoms.

are you familiar wuth hypnotherapy, do you thinak it will work?

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to mariae

Anxiety brings with it all kinds of weird and wonderful symptoms. I have probably had all your symptoms at different times. As I write to you I feel I have a knotted stomach, even though I have nothing really to worry about. I am not familiar with hypnotherapy. Why not ask a question about it. Someone else is bound to be able to help.

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to GrayEm

im having an attack right now----i feel so waek i dont know what to do ---this is 2 nights in a row now--its already one hour and its not goin

hypo7 profile image
hypo7 in reply to mariae

hi, yes you can get , but it takes some people longer than others. I suffered 31 years ago and tried to commit suicide twice but things improved and i did get better. I am mow going through it again and am on citalapram which is helping. I would go back to youe doctor are as their are other tablets that might suit you. Also read a book called self help for your nerves by claire weeks.. Also try doing a relaxation tape. Go on to a site called nomorepanic. good luck x

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to hypo7

Thank you--- it must be really bad to suffer so long, i cant imagine..i had suffer for 1 year and its horrible for me, i dont think medication work for me but i can always try again... so do you get panic attack too?

hypo7 profile image
hypo7 in reply to mariae

hi, i used to get a lot of panic attacks and thought i was going to have a heart attack and one day i even dialled 999 and they came out and checked me over. i have all the tests and they came back clear ans so now have accepted that it is down to anxiety and have got support from my friends and family. I amm off for a walk now which is good for you. you have to try and force yourself to do do.. good luck .

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to hypo7

thanks -- the first three times when i had a panic attack i too rush to the hospital...but all my test are long does your panic attack last...mine last for1-2 hours

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to hypo7

i too rush to the hospital the first three times it happen, but my test were all long does your panic attack last,mine last for 1-2 hours..did you take any medications during the panic attack

hypo7 profile image
hypo7 in reply to mariae

one night i had palpitations all night. other times varied. you have to try and distract yourself from them and try deep breathing exercises. another website is I am on a 6 week stress control course and am on week 4 and find it is helping. ask your doctor if there is any in your area. I've also got a cd called overcoming anxiety and panic attacks and could ask my husband to do you a copy and send it to you .

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to hypo7

thanks---- sometimes the more i tried to distract myself its worse, i become totally weak and unable during the attack...even right noe my chest is tight an feel like im goin to have the attack...will check the website...when you said stress control course, do you mean medication... are you familiar with hppnotherapy does it help

hypo7 profile image
hypo7 in reply to mariae

hi no its not about medication. its a cognitive behavoural therapist talking to a group about how to deal wiyh stress, anxiety & depression. each week he goes through different things. it started with stress and was it does to you and then it was cintrolling your thoughts, this week was about panic and next week is about sleep. i.m not familiar with hypnotherary

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to hypo7

so you say you feel much better with cbt? maybe i should try it too

hypo7 profile image
hypo7 in reply to mariae

yes, feel that it is helping. it helps you to understand and cope with situations. it's all about facing your fears

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to hypo7

Im planning to try hypnotherapy at the moment.. i hope it works

sadiebage profile image
sadiebage in reply to hypo7


I have been experiencing Anxiety attacks lately I had them a few years ago and now it has come back again. I bought the book that you just mentioned the other day and it has helped me abit but I still think that I need to go to the Doctors to see what they say.

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to mariae

Sorry I did not reply to this sooner. I have been away from my PC. Panic attacks are nasty. How are things tonight?

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to GrayEm

iIts ok ...they are nasty ..too nervous at the moment too

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to tintin5187

Hi tintin do you know anyone who comes out of this completely...waht kind of treatment or therapy do you take...are you familiar with hypnotherapy feel like trying it out

Hi,my name on here is castelnaudry,I have just written another blog.When I am down,I tell myself that life is not that bad,lots of people in worse situations,I play the music I like and try to let my mind wander.My friend used to imagine herself on a warm beach,nice and warm and safe.She used to sing a Carpenters song in her head,she got over her anxiety completely.Try to find a group in your area,talking works wonders,I am a different person since my first meeting,try it,take care.

Lions13 profile image

Hi there.

You have used the word 'completely', which will make it very difficult to achieve.

Do we ever come out of anything like this completely. What I can say is I have worked with people who were at times unable to go to work, or sometimes leave their home, but with time and patience and being a little bit kinder to themselves they were able to be move on.

At times they have bouts of anxiety or depression, but they say they are not as severe, and they now have the skills to cope with them.

Unfortunately life does throw up problems that will make us on edge (anxous) or sad (depressed), but it is perfectly normal to feel these emotions. However, this can sometimes be difficult if we have been told that our emotions aren't acceptable when we were younger.

Good luck and take care.

mariae profile image

thank you... sometimes we get so fed up and desperate that you just want this to go all away....sometimes i feel a little in between and than it comes back and it will bw much worse than anxiousness is sometimes so bad that sometimes i get scared to even move from my sitting when things like this happen, i really need an inspiration to know that people do come out of this completely......

tintin5187 profile image
tintin5187 in reply to mariae

Mariae, we all feel your pain and know what you are getting at with regards to inspiration and people getting out of it completely but the truth is this is not always possible for everyone. What techniques work for one person do not always work for another. Have you been to visit your GP about the way you have been feeling? If not I think this may be your best place to start. Everyone is different, so what medication works for one person may not work for another. (I have never taken meds to help my anxiety/depression) Personally I didnt feel this was a good route for me to take as i have had allergies in the past to antibiotics etc.... but for some people meds have changed there lives! I did lots of intense Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is where a Psychotherapist helps you retrain your thinking patterns & behaviors. This worked amazingly for me and from time to time i go back and see my psychotherapist. But i have heard this does not work for everyone. I think you need to try and work out why you are feeling this way and your doctor will give you the best advice as where to go as a starting point. Do you get what im getting at?

x x x x x x x x x x

mariae profile image
mariae in reply to tintin5187

I understand what you are saying i've been to a psychriatrist and he puy me onn meds, but it does not work foe i stop the medication on my own...Im planning to see a hypnotherapist i dont know if its going to work... maybe i should try cbt too... are you familiar with hypnotherapy?

my anxiety is too much im scared of almost everythin.

tintin5187 profile image

If the psychiatrist put you straight on meds then you are seeing the wrong person. If you dont mind me asking, Which county do you live in? If you are in the uk that is? I know how it feels to be scared of everything....

I had 6 sessions of hypnotherapy with a very well known hypnotherapist, and my opinion is its all about the believing. its a way of tricking the mind. It didnt work for me, but its not to say it wont for you. I have suffered on and off for 7 years, and i have found the only thing that gets me back in track is cbt. I find it very easy to understand & understanding anxiety disorders is the trick to put it right. Hope that helps x x x

mariae profile image

im from India i happen to find this site while looking for a support group and im happy i found it, as i know im not alone in this . it really helps to communicate with like minded people..

my psychiatrist doesnt help me mush with how do deal with my anxiety thats ahy i stop going to him...and in the process maybe i'll try hypnotherapy, if this doesnt work i'll try cbt. in fact i've been looking for psychotherapist could nt find one at the moment thats why the hpynotherapy.

how i wish this all just goes away so fed up of living like this... i want a normal life so much and i cant imagine for you to live like that for seven years

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