Hi can anxiety come and go: - Anxiety Support

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Hi can anxiety come and go

ollann profile image
4 Replies
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ollann profile image
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4 Replies

Absolutely.We all have different triggers,factors that set us off or intensify the condition. Places,

particular people, situations etc. As well as bodily factors like diet, sleep ,actvity(too much/too little),brain chemistry imbalance,negative thinking paterns etc.

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time it's quite natural. It's just when the intensity or frequency impacts with consequences that are disabling/unmanageable,or if anxiety is inappropriate in the circumstances that it becomes an illness.

ollann profile image
ollann in reply to

Thanks for your answer why do the symptoms scare you

Mandy26 profile image

Hi ollann. It definitely does for me. I could have had a really great positive two weeks and one night I'll be sitting on the couch watching a film, my chest will tighten, heartrate will quicken and the panicky thoughts roll in. I notice this happens when I've a busy week or a lot on my mind. I find I struggle through the bad days of the week, but it catches up with me a few days later physically.

I try not to let my symptoms scare me. I just try and get on with something and then smile when they subside.


loopsyloo profile image

Hi ollann

My anxiety certainly comes and goes. Some days i will be anxious all the time and then I will be fine for days on end. Sometimes I cnt even pin point what has triggered it. It just seems to come on and I think those episodes are the most terrifying. That causes the I dnt feel anxious so something must be really wrong with me and its not just anxiety panic that is soo difficult to control. I will admit I have ended up down a&e convinced I was having a heart attack or something . Its impossible for anyone who hasnt experienced this themselves to understand the only thing o cam suggest is to try and keep as calm as possible talk to yourself if you need to do yoga or anything that helps. Bit try not to let those feelimgs panic you more . Remember it is just anxiety and it wont last forever xx

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