Two Missing!: Where has hollow and stde got... - Anxiety Support

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Two Missing!

16 Replies

Where has hollow and stde got to? Perhaps they are having some R&R. I do hope all is well. You are missed. jonathan.

16 Replies
fadedlizard profile image

I was just wondering this too. Hope you're ok, guys.x

yes me to , I didnt get to no Hollow very well & would have really liked to

stde had a few coversations & a lovely man

Please come back

Hope you are both ok as well

whywhy xxx

fadedlizard profile image

Has anyone heard from Vincent Vega too - he seems to have gone MIA also?

leehow79 profile image

There most probaly jst bin really busy + nothin 2 worry about.

Bramwell profile image

We had another nice lady member zip off a while ago.

Can't remember her name but she, like me, suffered from Health Anxiety, and was pretty bad with it.

I often wonder what happened to her and hope she's okay.

ellabella profile image

I hope they are alright too, we don't half miss people when they are away. Stde has posted today and he is very busy nursing his Mum. Hollow , where are you? and vv we miss you all xxxx Ella x

in reply to ellabella

I can't believe it is still the hangover from the New Year party!!. Come on hollow, you are sorely missed. j.

I think I said before that it is a pity that when people get well they sometimes disappear. Perhaps they just want to forget about it, and I can understand that. But their experience's could be so valuable to those who come seeking help and reassurance, and to know that someone has recovered, and that recovery is possible, can be an immense boost to ones morale. j.

hollow profile image

Hi everyone, sorry I'm not feeling too good and have been laying low as a result. Thank you for your kind words and I'll be back to torment you soon. Have spoken to VV (hope you don't mind me saying Double V if you're watching) he is also feeling a bit the same.

wallflower_fairy profile image
wallflower_fairy in reply to hollow

I hope you're ok hollow,

I enjoyed getting to you know you, thought we were getting a good thread on one of your blogs from last August (lol :) )

I haven't been online much either, mostly from sheer tiredness & the need to take a break from computer. I've had a really tough time recently (despite putting on a brave 'face') but I've spoken out. Most of the time I come on this site to help others, but I need to be able to cope in my own life to do that effectively. Anyway now I'm having councelling which is a positive. :)

Hope everyone is ok.


wanderingwallflower xx

hollow profile image
hollow in reply to wallflower_fairy

Hi Fay nice to hear from you. I check my emails but I've found it a bit difficult to respond to others posts when not feeling positive in myself.

I've enjoyed our relaxed approach to talking :) suits my I'll do it tomorrow laid back ways. What was that? Lazy! No I said laid back!!

I'm due to start some counseling, CBT free counseling, CBT doesn't seem to work for me.

Hope you're not struggling too much and always happy to chat as you know xx

wallflower_fairy profile image
wallflower_fairy in reply to hollow

I hope you feel better soon, hollow. I can understand the feeling; the inability to do one's self justice when you're in a negative mind set - creativity flies out the window and then some. That's why I've not been on much myself. I've lost my confidence: due to different reasons, and am just starting - after 6 months of hecticness (that's going to have to be a word - shut up brain). Still shakey though. I don't know how long it's going to take but I'm making progress. :)

Same here :) I think sometimes it's nice to be able to chat and take our minds off of anxiety for a while. Like I mentioned before sometimes half the battle is outweighing the negatives with the positives. :D

They always say to me it's good to be laid back. :D Good luck with the councelling. CBT doesn't work for everyone. I learnt about it in Psychology 9 or so months ago and we did lots of research into how effective it is: it seems like it needs to be a certain type of person for it to work. It also depends on the context of which it takes place. Hopefully the councelling will provide you with something extra - make a positive contribution to both of us & our lives.

Sorry for rambling, I'm still quite tired.

Take care. :) xxxx

hollow profile image
hollow in reply to wallflower_fairy

Rambling is my favourite pastime :) I don't know what has happened to me of late, I try not to think about getting better but it's a vicious cycle as you want to believe you are and you see the shoots of recovery (sorry that sounds like a politician) that fill you with excitement and anxiety albeit a positive anxiety then wham your mind/body turns against you! I'd had a pretty good week then yesterday I step on the train and suddenly I'm consumed with anxious thoughts, feeling physically ill, trembling like a leaf. Why? I have no idea. Unless my anxiety doesn't like snow as well as every other conceivable situation. Stupid anxiety.

What have you been up to lately? No anxiety related answers allowed :) hecticness allowed if no ref to the A word!

If I don't hear from you until May enjoy the spring :D xx

wallflower_fairy profile image
wallflower_fairy in reply to hollow

Haha thanks. :D But I'm here. Actually, I still need to reply to (counts fingers)... well I've lost count. Ok start again, people who have sent me emails: 5. Or 4. Nope. 5. Wow. Thing is, they're very long messages. The one I saw the other day I couldn't even concentrate on reading on, I was so sleepy. Let alone reply to. And because I'm scarcely on the computer during week days I haven't had time. And as you can tell from my blog (you asked if you could wait for the abridged version :P) I like to write in lots of detail. I'm really sorry things have been a bit of a struggle lately, I understand the issue of thinking you're doing well, and then 'dipping' again (it's almost as is you believe the good days are 'too good to be true' so you mentally prepare yourself? I dunno) Don't forget, snow isn't exactly stress free either.

Aaaaaaanyway; I've had AN eventful week to say the least!

I had 2 exams (Weds & Thurs) which I was very anx- lol WORRIED about :P But I've done my best, that's all I can do. Mon I was close to tears, but coped & later made my year 9/10 biology teacher cry, (in a good way: 'Can I just say how impressed I am? You have [literally] moved me to tears' Remembering the 'little girl' & seeing how I'd grown :') ), I was also given exclusive access to a quiet study area - my teachers are great :) (however the new Year 12s currently rule the 6th form IT room - this far in to the year I am completely appalled).

One Tues my friend Rach over on Tues for tea (we were suppose to meet today too but she bailed on me - she does this occasionally); we watched a film in Psychology on Wednesday & in English I made everyone laugh but I'm not sure whether it was in a good or bad way. We have this new English teacher, but I'm sure what I think about him - I don't think he's sure of me either, - he's confident - some would say over confident, and it seems to be on the boarderline of.. arrogance? But that doesn't seem like the right word. In fairness to him it can't be easy being a new teacher, or the new head of subject.

On Thurs I was on the phone to my mother in tears (happy ones) as I have been given two Uni offers + interview already! (But she thought I was freaking out about the exam!); and on Friday I was travelled to school in the darn snow - but they let us off early. :) Now I am just enjoying the weekend and rightly so. :) It wasn't a typical week to say the least - but I took some positive things from it.

Hopefully hear from you again soon, but if not, like you said to me, I hope you enjoy the spring. (How weird is that? If I didn't hear from you till then it would be almost a year since our thread started: which was in August). :D xxxx

wallflower_fairy profile image
wallflower_fairy in reply to wallflower_fairy

P.S. Rambling is my fav past time too. :)

I also want to apologise for mistakes. I kept changing the order of words because I'm not 'with it' today. xx

hollow profile image
hollow in reply to wallflower_fairy

Long messages and tears appear to be the theme of your week then!

I think there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence and people will judge others by what they are looking for. Here endeth the lesson.

Well done on getting through your exams and not going into a meltdown and congrats on your Uni offers, that's fantastic. Hope they ones that you want.

I've just realised I haven't eaten since lunch so I'm off to search the cupboards.....

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Until I hear from you again..... xx

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