I've cut out tea from my diet and I can really tell the difference. I did try to limit my chocolate intake, but that didn't last very long haha! Was just wondering if other people have made changes to their diet to help their anxiety?
Has anyone else changed their diet to help... - Anxiety Support
Has anyone else changed their diet to help their anxiety?

No I cant say I have changed my diet for anxiety , even though I no some foods they say are better than others & calomine tea etc is supposed to be relaxing
Maybe someone will come on in a bit & have some good advice on this , I would also be interest to no to be honest
Reading your post though , cutting tea out didnt make a difference , I have high cholesteril , so i cut everything out that is suppose to be bad for it & when i went to have another test done it had gone up ! so that didnt work very well on that one for me lol
Hi whywhy
I certainly notice a difference with my Anxiety and certain foods.I have used Decaff tea bags for years.Bread seems to be a trigger for me as well.I did read that around 85% of the population are possibly Manesium defficient so I took a supplement and felt great.Do Google Magnesium but also be aware if taking other medications. A good health supplement store should be able to advise you but please make sure they know thier stuff.I was told by my CBT therapist not to skip meals as this causes me to feel shakey and having Health Anxiety does set me off with the WOBBLIES as I call them.
Best Wishes
Hi! I recently cut my coffee intake drastically as I was getting very bad anxiety in the mornings. It worked and I was amazed to feel so much better. I've also slept better and longer. I have skimmed over these simple changes for as long as I can remember but thought it too petty to make a difference! How wrong could I be? The trouble is it must be the coffee that sends me to the loo each morning. So I just have 1 mug with one spoon of coffee now. Used to stand my spoon up in it before! x Ella x
Have to admit , i am terrible at missing meals , this is something i feel i should try & make more effort with & see if it makes a difference , again though when feeling stressed you dont always feel like eating , but I will try & make sure even if its small I dont skip meals
Ella , I have cut down caffine as i suffer with migraines several a month , but made me laugh as I used to be able to stand my spoon up in them as well , having said that , still have the migraines and they cannot find anything wrong , so it hasnt made a difference to them , but maybe it might have made a slight difference to my anxiety ?
Its good to hear what others do though , so thank you
Too much coffee does send me anixious so, I try to watch the coffee. Some medication I once had also for depression did make me very jittery too.
I also beleive white flour in most bread does effect my mood and so I do try not to use this.
I have stopped the coffee completely! I find that it winds me up a little too much. Tea, I stick to herbal tea's and only have normal tea if I am feeling really tired. I think the thing that has helped me alot is the Chamomile tea. That stuff is the best to calm me down.
I am the same whywhy. I am bad at missing meals and if I am stressed I tend not to eat because I just feel I can't or I am just too lethargic to get up and eat anything. I do find however that lately I have been making sure I have a healthy sandwich or salad with meat for lunch and my anxiety usually eases a little in the afternoon. Not sure if thats just me though, but I keep getting told I need to eat and esp stick to more protein to level out my blood sugar or something? Any ideas on that?
Hi sweetCass
Yes it is true that we should eat more protein to level out our sugar levels , when you eat to much sweet things etc our sugar level goes up , but then it can come down quickly , this makes or can make you go dizzy & shaky & does feel like a panic attack , a bad one when it happens , porridge it good for you in a morning ,but i no not everyone likes it
This happens to most people though if we dont eat the right things , like you say though its hard when you dont always feel like eating , but when reading what has been put , it makes you sit up & think i need to make more effort , i no when I have eaten 3 times a day I feel better , but sometimes stress just gets in the way , but I am going to try harder
Ah maybe that explains the light headedness I've been experiencing this last week. I am vegetarian, and I've been missing out breakfast and lunch the last few days, just pigging out on Christmas chocolate and biscuits. My eating is terrible when I'm off work, because I don't have the routine.
JB x
yes JB I think that could be the reason lol but its been Christmas !
New Year now get back to eating well (finish your chocolate first though , I am along with lots of other crap I have left ) but when we are all been good again , I am sure our light heads will improve