Just had such a bad week, barely slept. I hate seeing the anguish I am causing those around me. It's awful to see such a lovely person suffering because of what I have. Anyone feel this and any tips for helping them?
Anyone else worried about the effect their... - Anxiety Support
Anyone else worried about the effect their anxiety has on their partner?

I understand how you are feeling but what have you done ?
You didn't ask for anxiety , none of us do its an illness like any other yet we seem to give ourselves such a tough time when we should be kind to ourselves
I am sure he loves you & that's the best advise I can give to let him know you love him to & how much you appreciate him which I am sure you do
Amongst this anxiety there is so much more to us , so many good qualities we seem to forget we have but that is why people love us & I no we can find that hard to accept but it's true !

I know your right but I just seem to have this guilty feeling about the fact he is suffering with me, or am I just beating myself up again. My favourite hobby ha ha.
Think you are beating yourself up again , we all tend to do it !
Remember you are a good person & be kind to yourself
I feel exactly like this.... I see my husband with such a sad and unhappy face because I'm so anxious and down... But I have in the last week been using him as my safety blanket as such. Every time I see him I know I'm in a safe place where he won't judge me or make me feel worse. My husband loves me and I'm sure yours does too or he wouldn't be there or be sad with what your going through!! Whywhy is right we are too hard on ourselves and we do really bed to be kinder to ourselves!
I hope you feel better soon... regards Misstully
hi anxietyang, I am a partner of someone who suffers from anxiety and I know she feels this way, she thinks she is ruining our lives because of her anxiety, but the honest truth is that she never asked to be anxious, it"s something we can fight together, most husbands love their wives to bits ( I am sure yours does too ) we married for better or for worse , i know she appreciates me being there for her, you both sound like a lovely loving couple, your love for each other will get you through anything. love jasper. xxx

Cheers for that. It's good to get the other sides opinion. I never know whether he is just saving my feelings. X
I have no tips but do worry how my hubby copes with my anxiety, he never complains but it must be difficult to live with me sometimes
Jules x
Hi there
I often worry what my husband thinks and I also beat myself up.
But he often tells me I can't help how I feel and is always there with good advice on my bad days.
I'm sure your hubby loves you and would do any thing for you
Be kind to yourself and try not to feel bad. Xx
Yes i do worry about what effect the anxiety is having on him. In order for him to understand my moods/behaviour on a day to day basis i tell him how i feel daily whether good or bad and is always there for me.He always give advices. At times we laugh about it.
I have never asked him how he feels when i open up about the anxiety. At times i feel he may be unable to tell me how he feels if something bothers him in fear of making me more anxious/upset. But i know he loves me dearly and always reminds me to do things like meditation etc.
i am in a relaionship just about ,as my mood swings change so quickly i say very hurtful things when im in bad depression mood we tried living together ,disaster,i dont want to finish with him,what do you think,i know how you feel we should both try and stop feeling sorry for ourselves anxietyang
I, as yet,have not started saying anything nasty. I think you know in your heart how you feel or if it is just your anxiety talking. I have had counselling for 14 months now privately. We went together a few times and it really helped because he got to vent and understand too. He also got good tips for dealing with his feelings. Could be an option for you guys?
Does your relationship help or increase your anxiety? Mine helps massively but if yours doesn't then ...... I dunno change can also be scary can't it.
I often times feel like this. I feel terrible and that I’m letting my loved ones down because I can’t be 100%. I fake it a lot around family and friends to make it easier on them but inside I’m still a nervous wreck with a hundred thoughts a minute racing through my mind . My boyfriend is incredibly supportive and understanding. I explain to him everything that runs through my mind and he helps me work threw them. I constantly apologize to him and my Mom but the thing that helps me is they constantly tell me “we see you fighting, this will get better & we’ll love you through it”. I still feel bad but I always tell them how much I appreciate them. You’re not alone though, it’s easy to worry.