Just wondering how many people know exactly now what actually sets their panic attacks off to the point they start hyperventilating ?
Was wondering: Just wondering how many... - Anxiety Support
Was wondering
Hi yes, when I'm in a really bad anxious state, I know that if I don't get up, walk around and do deep breathing it will spiral into an attack.if I wake in the night feeling anxious I have to remember not to panic. Hope that makes sense!
Yes it does thanks but do you know what starts your attacks off in the first place ?
I have a phobia of cats and dogs and as soon as they come on contact with me I get into a panic attack . Dependent on how bad the situation was , it can take me up to an hour to get myself back to normal. Panic attacks are do horrible and people who have never had a panic attack, don't understand them.
Your right there hun, people who do not understand panic attacks do not have a clue in the least. I know this all too well, oh its so easy to say to someone, oh get out u will be fine, or just take a deep breath and that will sort it, stop worrying about nothing, etc etc most the ones i got was oh its in your head. How the bloody heck can not being able to breathe be in my head i would ask myself... I was just cuirious as to what started peoples attacks off, there are so many different things but for me it is nothing. So this is why i wondered. I am fine sat here now and then all of a sudden i can have one. I opened my front door to the gas man this morning and wow did it hit me like a bolt of lightening, unable to breathe, heart beating, the lot, i told him to go away and come back later, lol then i went into my kitchen sat down and started writing and within minutes calmed right down. I have done this for years now because i know exactly how to calm down and trained my little brain. lol x