Has anyone had or heard of "leaky gut syndrome"?
Wondering?: Has anyone had or heard of... - Anxiety Support
Yes I have I think I have it. I think it's linked to lactose intolerance which I have.
From what I understand it is when toxins from the liver make it through tiny openings in the stomach tissue. A possible cause of leaky gut is increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability.
That could happen when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don't work properly. That could let substances leak into the bloodstream.
Many different symptoms, mine has been nausea 24/7 for over a year.
Yeah, L- glutamine helps heal the gut wall.
Taking "shakes" 2x a day from naturopath and Gabba drops. From what I understand it is when toxins from the liver make it through tiny openings in the stomach tissue. A possible cause of leaky gut is increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability. That could happen when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don't work properly. That could let substances leak into the bloodstream. Many different symptoms, mine has been nausea 24/7 for over a year.
Be careful with GABA drops, you would have been better taking something that naturally increased it like Magnesium as well as getting the benefits of DNA and RNA but anyway it's all the same.
Awful thing to suffer from, good luck healing
the Gaba is for my panic disorder...."Tranquility" drops.
GABA is the same feeling you get from alcohol, sedatives, marijuana that tranquil feeling the receptors are triggered by the above. The trouble with GABA supplements is that they can't get past the blood brain barrier, but Magnesium which you get from food or supplements. Magnesium binds to and activates GABA receptors.
You'd be best off with Magnesium glycinate.
With the severe panic disorder I deal with I WISH something would give me a tranquil feeling asap....it has been years now.
Buy some magnesium glycinate and you'll get more benefit. If you're suffering from severe panics you should maybe get checked out for a physical illness.
When this all started over a yr. ago I had blood work, abdominal ultra sound, chest xray, CAT scan (no dye) of the stomach, endoscopy, and have seen our family dr, physciatrist, and gastro intestinal dr. All have come up empty handed. I am on SSRIS as well as naturopathic aids. I can't seem to get a grip on the FEAR and PANIC especially. This has gone on too long
You should try Magnesium glycinate it almost cured me. I had agrophobia and massive health anxiety over the fact, sounds stupid, but I figured my lungs were out to kill me.
I don't have any weird thoughts now. I'm pretty relaxed and sooo glad I never took meds. One thing I don't have to worry about coming off them.
You've had some tests, are you male or female ? Your age ?.
will definitely mention to naturopath next wk..thank you....panic is consuming me.....feel so hopeless...and life not worth living. yet some days are good....no reasoning to it