I went to the doctors yesterday and she gave me citalopram for my anxiety. i took one last night and slept 12-3 and woke up feeling very strange and very sick. i still feel very sick and exhausted on 3 hours sleep so i rang my doctor as dont think i can put up with this. she told me i should continue as it can take a couple of weeks. i said i was worried about work tomorrow as at the moment i feel like i am going to throw up all the time and dont feel quite with it and not hungry. she said she can sign me off work if i wanted. but i dont know what to do as if im the same as today i dont think i would even be able to drive to work not alone stay there all day. i dont really want people at work knowing and wouldnt know what to say to work.
What would you do?: I went to the doctors... - Anxiety Support
What would you do?

I refused all medication for my anxiety back in 1996 and although I feel terrible sometimes at least 'I'm with it' all day. I took some herbal stuff once and felt so spaced out that I never touched it again.
Try and fight it without pills. Deep breathing, meditation, exercise - may all help.
Tash21, if you feel that unwell you really need to take some time off. I understand how you feel about not wanting work to know what is wrong with you, have just had to tell my boss I won,t be in work for the next couple of weeks. But my emotional well being is more important than what other people think. You need to rest your body and your mind so you can get well. Take care xx
Hi Tash
My last experience at work did n end up very well.never liked it that much I and I had very demanding bosses but I had to put up with it even though had a very good salary.i was already suffering of anxiety but I reach the point where I was having panick attack on the way to work at 7.15am.so I decided that my health had to come first.that was enough.obviously work triggered my whke situation.now I m at home recovering and looking after my self..and the only hope is to feel better and not looking for another job!!for the time being.
This is exactly how i was on citalopram,i went to work on them and tried to carry on as the doctor told me,but i cudnt do my job and ended up having a breakdown at work!......i have been off work for 4 weeks now,things are difficult docs have now changed my medication (after having a 2nd opinion!)....i empathise with the work thing,thats exactly how i was(and still am),im worried about my job and certainly what everyone thinks about me and my "crazy" illness.....but they all know im not the person i used to be! Take time off to get well, i have done and am still doing it and i am far from feeling 100% but my counsellor says im on the right route to accepting and dealing with it all.(but ive had time off work to sit and work things out and will continue to do so until im better!) ! Here for a chat anytime xx
I had to quit my job through anxiety
hi i think you should take a few weeks off it will take a little while for your meds to kick in you need to relax you will then be ready to go backto work a stronger person x
Thanks everyone. i'm still undecided what to do as dont like letting people down and it would be short notice for them to get someone to cover. should really think of myself first but its so hard for me as i know work are relying on me.
You need to put yourself first love x
My big thing at the moment is feeling like ive let everyone down,but i always strive to make everyone else happy,and never worry about myself and giving myself the time and rest i need.
Hi Tash. I would recommend taking the time off work to get yourself better. It is hard to explain to people at work why you have been off, but you don't have to tell them. You can say is personal reasons.....and stress is not always caused by work. Mine was a mixture of things - birth of my son, stressful job, terminally ill father, changing relations with mum. Your health is more important at the moment.
With the citralopram, if after 2 weeks you are still struggling with it you will need to talk to your doctor to discuss other options. I did not get on well with it and switched to venlafaxine and started on xanax then onto diazepam for emergencies. If you can beat it without drugs I would recommend it, but I find just seeing doctor and getting some help makes me feel like I am fighting it and starting on the path to recovery.
Wish you luck. Keep talking to people about it - it will get better, but does take time.
Citalopram is an SSRI and one of its side effects is that of dizziness and feeling sick this is showing that it is starting to work believe it or not. Serotonin levels need to be helped to increase - I would advice that you try and stick with the meds for up to 3 weeks so that you can get to a therapeutic level- if after this they do not seem to be working then go back to the GP
Stress and anxiety are bullies