How am I suppose to cure my anxiety if I c... - Anxiety Support

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How am I suppose to cure my anxiety if I can't go to the doctors

LittleMissSunshine profile image

Im nearly 18 and from Glasgow, I have no friends but a boyfriend and in starting college in September im really nervous I won't make friends because of my anxiety and wished I knew people with the sane problems. What can I do?

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LittleMissSunshine profile image
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23 Replies

Hi first of all you are not alone just read all the posts on here.Is there an anxiety support group near you ??? .There are lots of organisations that can help.Dont be afraid to go to the doctors they will help you and they have seen anxiety a thousand times xx

LittleMissSunshine profile image
LittleMissSunshine in reply to

I'm not sure if there are any near me and I probs wouldnt be able to go. I can't go to the doctors because it will be impossible for me not to cry as that's what happens when I feel anxiety.I can't stop cryin now I feel so alone :( thanks for replying xxx

Mandy26 profile image
Mandy26 in reply to LittleMissSunshine

Hi. I can honestly say when I went to the doctors, within spurting out the first few words to him I was crying hysterically. To the point I could barely talk because I was sniffling so much. But he understood instantly and was very helpful. It made him understand what I was going through. Never be scared to cry in front of the doctors. They've seen much worse.

allenwynne10 profile image
allenwynne10 in reply to LittleMissSunshine

Hi there little miss sunshine i would not worry about crying at doctors you arn't the first and you certainly wouldn't be the last. they have seen it all before !!! i am a grown man of 60 years and this awful panic / anxiety made me cry in the doctors it has that affect on you. your mind is all in a jumble and it can be very upsetting at the time you think its always going to be like this but with their help you can get better-Allen PS HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN A DOCTORS NOT TO HAVE A BOX OF TISSUES HANDY.

Hi dont be afraid to cry at the doctors.I sob my heart out he has a box of tissues ready for me going in,they are used to it love.Have a look at this web site it may help may give you some help to calm down xx

LittleMissSunshine profile image
LittleMissSunshine in reply to

I'm Realy worried about what will happen at the doctors and from then on could u possibly shed some light?xx

Hi well it took me a long time to eventually go to the doctors but looking back I wish I had gone sooner.I just went in and basically sobbed my heart out told him how I was feeling and he examined me and told me it was anxiety.I was prescribed some tablets to calm me down and had to go to see him the following week.My anxiety is health anxiety so I was there all the time,my doctor was brilliant always listened adviced and put me forward for CBT whch I am currently doing.Honestly go to the doctors and nip it in the bud befor it gets worse

LittleMissSunshine profile image
LittleMissSunshine in reply to

I'm trying my best I personally wouldn't be able to phone them I just need to push myself and ask my mum. I think I have social anxiety. Thanks for your help xx

Well please ask your Mum to do it the earlier you start getting help the better x

LittleMissSunshine profile image
LittleMissSunshine in reply to

Unfortunately she hasn't took my seriously and according to her the doctors will just laugh at me because I'm Just spoilt :(

Mandy26 profile image
Mandy26 in reply to LittleMissSunshine

Hi, I hope you're OK. I agree with Sharon below. As hard as it will be it would be such a good step for you to call the doctors. They deal with things like this so often they will understand exactly what you're going through, and it will be such a positive step for you.

My partner really struggled to understand my anxiety. He's the most caring person I know but he just brushed it off initially until he was there when I had an attack. I used to ask him not to go out in the car because I thought he would crash. Really stupid things and at first he used to get annoyed at me but now he understands. As Marien said below, because it's not a physical illness and it's not something people can simply help you with, they struggle. But the doctor will understand immediately.

truegal profile image
truegal in reply to LittleMissSunshine

I know .. parent never understand only some do.... my parents will never understand therefore I am not going to tell them. that why I had take the step on my own.x

then I would push yourself to make the phonecall yourself

Joaner profile image

A lot of people don`t take anxiety seriously. I think it`s because they don`t know what to do to help. Visiting your Dr will be the first, hardest, step on your road to recovery. Don`t be scared that he`ll think you`re being silly, he`s seen it all before and just saying how you feel out loud to someone who doesn`t dismiss your feelings will help enormously. I blubbed all over my doctor when I first went. But he took the time to calm me down and let me wait until I felt better before leaving his consulting room. I have general anxiety which sometimes tips over into depression. I take tablets for it and I feel pretty good right now, so it`s been worth going.

Have you got a good friend you can talk to? Or a grandparent? They could maybe go with you to the doctor`s, give you a bit of support.

Keep in touch x

hi please dont be worried about going to see your doctor he/she will be more understanding than you think. ive also had the same reaction from family and friends over the years, its not a visible,physical ilness so only the person going through it knows its there and how it feels. reading the blogs on here you will see that you are not alone and a lot of people do suffer from it, there will always be someone here feeling how you are to chat too dont suffer in silence xx

LittleMissSunshine profile image

Thanks everyone x

southglos profile image

Please do not think your doctor will think you are stupid or spoilt. I have had the same doctor for years now and never thought overly caring . However, he turned out to be marvellous over my breakdown and rather than dismissing it as its all in your head he talked me through ways of dealing with it. Whilst treating me as an adult rahter than like placating a child. Admitting I needed help was very hard and was convinced be judged by people I knew. Most however, have been great. As well as self help groups do you have a hobby you enjoy such as sport or acting whatever it is join a local group. Its a great way of making friends. Or maybe considering some volunteering which can be rewarding and make you feel better about yourself.

paula50 profile image

When i went to my doctor about it she gave me some pills then said what esle do u expexct me to do ... i was not happy changed doctor ....

allenwynne10 profile image
allenwynne10 in reply to paula50

Hi there i had to reply to this. when i had my first massive panic attack i was a wreck i didn' t know what had happened to me i thought i was dying at the time my hole world had crashed around me . I got an appointment with an old GP at our practice and with my wife sat beside me for comfort . i told her what my problem was after i had explained my symptoms she said ok lets weigh you she went on to say i was overweight and although i worked hard all day she wanted me up each morning and out jogging before work i was 58 at the time she said healthy body healthy mind she then prescribed beta blockers because my pulse was racing these made me weeze so bad i couldn't get my breath on an already bad chest ..thank god she has retired!!!! a few days later and different GP i was on citalopram with an explanation of what had happened to me 5 weeks later i was back at work but still suffer. ALLEN

Pickle165 profile image

HI i remember being very scared of starting college, i have suffered with social anxiety my whole life and understand. please go to the doctors, tell them everything and you wont regreat it.........they may give you something to help you out untill its overcome. reading your message is like reading my own when i was your age. if only i knew then what i know now. talk to me anytime. sam x

LittleMissSunshine profile image

Thanks for your helpful comments everyone x

Scooby1234 profile image

Hi little miss sunshine, you're not alone, so many of us on here feeling the same so please don't think you're on your own! Anxiety can be a very isolating thing but since come on this website it's so reassuring knowing there are people going through same things! As everyone has said above you should go to the doctors, it doesn't matter if you cry, crying isn't a bad thing, it's a way of releasing your emotions! They would have seen/heard loads of people in your situation! Taking the initial step is hard but I think you will benefit if you do! :) reading through the blogs on here may help, iv found it helpful! X

truegal profile image

hey I felt the same way before going to the doctor .. I was afraid that they will not understand me and won't offer treatment or they may say that its an normal feeling when I know its not normal... I even thought that they are not mental health professionals therefore they wont understand me however I needed the referral therefore I pushed my self to go to the doctors. the doctor was really nice. I had list of symptoms and feelings written down so I read it out. if I didn't have the list ... I could have gone blank and may started to tremble speech. therefore I had to make the list. little miss sunshine .. it will be fine ... just write down every thing you feel and read it to the doctor and then they will give to an questionnaire to fill in and diagnose then refer you to cogitative behaviour therapy. wont suffer on your own and seek help as anxiety can take over your life. x

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