I have Anxiety, Osteoarthritis and other nerve pain that could be Fibromyalgia. Dr prescribed Duloxetine 30 mg. He wants me to up the dose to 60 mg. But I'm having sweats, sleep all the timelessly, really bad muscle aches and I seem to have lost muscle strength as well as my legs being really painful at night. I don't want to have worse symptoms and I'm scared of taking more as iv heard these tablets are really hard to get off. Anyone had any experience that would help me making a decision?
Don't know what to do: I have Anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Don't know what to do
Hi I came of them a while back Everyone different though
You could persevere a wee bit longer or go back to docs for a change
All the meds have some side effects can take years to find right meds balance
If long term and meds only answers
I'd ask for pain relief
Slight sleep med
And if can take
Pregablin high dose
Now getting
Rolled out for
And also it is
Used for
Paracetamol helps other
Pain relief work
Hi, I was on Duloxetine for 8 years and at the end was on 60 mg. They were very good but stopped working so I had to taper off them while going on to Mirtazapine and I put 2 stone on with this.
Many people experience side effects on starting new meds. Most subside quickly. If you are concerned about your treatment and its effects on you, your GP is the person to consult. I've been on 90 mg a day of Duloxetine for years. It's the only drug I ever noticed taking the edge off physical symptoms of anxiety. I think it works for me, but you must decide whether to stay on it or not for your own circumstances. I have no desire to stop taking it because I believe it to be helping me in my circumstances. Talk with your doctor, then decide.