A few months back, I had really bad anxiety and would have panic attacks once or twice a week, more in some cases. My dad recommended me to take Ashwagandha supplements but I thought therapy would be a good option for me. I started doing CBT and then 3 weeks into my sessions, I started taking the Ashwagandha because my dad swears by it. After I started taking one tablet daily, I didn’t feel my anxiety anywhere near as much and along with my CBT, I had no panic attacks. I took them daily for a month and then stopped as I saw was recommended nearly 2 weeks ago. I was originally going to be off them for just the week but because I was feeling okay I carried on not taking them. However today, I had a panic attack and it came out of nowhere, I was feeling okay but then I started to feel lightheaded and my chest was hurting, I was stressing thinking I was having a heart attack and went to get food but the panic kept creeping up till I felt like I couldn’t control it anymore compared to the techniques I’d been using with my therapist. Do you think that this panic attack could be because I stopped my Ashwagandha supplements and my body has returned to how it was before? Will I need to start taking it again or shall I just stop completely? I’d love some advice from anyone who may have experienced this. My dad just keeps telling me to get back on the ashwaghandas thank you.