Anybody experience a revisiting of symptom... - Anxiety Support

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Anybody experience a revisiting of symptoms with their COVID booster?

BirkiNAsa profile image
19 Replies

So. I went through anxiety and depression during the meno transition that eventually settled down. I also had autoimmune thyroid disease and Lyme. Both treated, both in remission. I had the Pfizer vax duo and 1st booster without significant issues.

However, with the 2nd booster, about 3 weeks in, started having severe anxiety/panic in the evenings most days. That was early July and it's now September.

I've done a fair amount of reading on the AI issues and there is evidence to suggest that the mRNA jabs can worsen some AI pictures.

Anybody else experienced with eventual cessation or experiencing now?

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19 Replies
elaine2447 profile image

Sorry to hear you are suffering. I didn't have lyme disease, well I am sure I havent, but have Hashimotos thyroiditis which is an auto immune disorder. I do suffer from bad anxiety.

However, after five long years of suffering with primary hyperparathryoidism, I paid for a private operation and was sorted. Thought this was the start of a new life for me so I put off having the vaccines as I always reacted badly as a child, the reason for putting it off was because i needed dental work and by the end of 2020 it was almost impossible until i found a lovely private dentist who started work on my teeth end of February and I certainly didn't want any bad reactions to have to cancel any appointments.

So in April I asked the GP which vaccine I should have even though I didnt want it, and he didnt know, so I chose the Pfizer. They sat me down with an antihistimine for 20 minutes and i was fine and walked home, only a couple of miles. I thought well this is fine and by the evening still felt okay. However, the following morning, I could barely get out of bed and thought it strange that I often walk, well I have had to as I don't drive and my husband died when i was late thirties.

I just didn't feel right as if i was riddled with arthritis. I found an accupuncturist and she said she thought she could help but then added on that she only saw doubled vaxxed people. So I thought I couldnt feel any worse, so waited out the rest of the six weeks and had the second jab.

I have not been able to see her, my immune system is totally shot to pieces, I suffer from terrible itching rashes so have been unable to go outside in the lovely sun we have had. I had so called facial cellulitis with hideous antibiotics for two weeks and on thinking, I dont think it was cellulitis. My TSH shot up to over 8.7 and am eventually on a small dose of thyroxine.

Worse of all my feet started going numb and then painful so in February this year I had an EMG nerve induction test and guess what, I have peripheral neuropathy. This is getting progressively worse and has spread up my legs and no way could I walk two miles, some days not even 200 yards.

The consultant has been wonderful, I have had scans and am waiting for the results of an MRI to rule out MS. He is said it is is quite likely caused by the vax. I had to fill in a yellow card for the good that will do. I have since read on a UNICEF paper that a doctor advised anyone with Hashimotos should not have the Pfizer. So now from having a new start I am deteriorating by the week. It's scary, I am on a group where people as young as 28 have this neuropathy, some have had to give up work and some are in wheelchairs. I suppose I am fortunate in that I am much much older and hopefully this won't go on for ever.

BirkiNAsa profile image
BirkiNAsa in reply to elaine2447

Hi Elaine. Thanks for the response. Are you saying that the hyperparaT, once fixed, helped with your anxiety? Interestingly enough, I took an older compounded prep (expired) on and off for several days and suffered no anxiety or oanic those days. Lots of reports on worsening Graves after vaccines and COVID-19.

I also have had the horrible, itchy rashes on and off. At one point, my back looked like a relief map.

I am fairly well versed on autoimmune issues and I am in agreement with you on the "shot to hell" immune system post vax, AND my husband and I both just suffered COVID break-through infections. A person on another thread recommended Elaine Moore's Autoimmune website. Elaine has been a virtual friend of mine for years wnd I cannot recommend her highly enough.

I'm glad that you have docs on top of your AI issues. One thing that come to mind for me as I read your symptoms was Guillain-Barre.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to BirkiNAsa

The primary hyperparathyrodism caused awful symptoms, bad anxiety, nausea, the lot. After I had the operation in March 2020, I thought this was a new start in life but wasn't to be. Anxiety back with the vengeance and I have to pop benzos. Nothing has ever been mentioned about Guillain-Barre. I was always under the impression that that disease caused stroke like systems. So far it is only my feet and legs that are affected.

BirkiNAsa profile image
BirkiNAsa in reply to elaine2447

Two other things come to mind. I've seen reports of developing or worsening of diabetes subsequent to vax, which of course could cause PN.

Also do you have a link to the UNICEF paper?

twinks profile image
twinks in reply to elaine2447

Hi Elaine i have hashimoto's thyroiditis autoimmune problems. Im having problems with my legs swelling burning i can hardly get out of bed this morning. Its not getting any better. I have spinal problems too.

I seen gp re my legs they said they didnt feel hot so theyre ok.

Its really painful and when i try to stand up i have to sit pretty quickly as i feel they wont hold support me.

I never thought re this with vaccines until you said, i did have a gyny bleed soon after the first one i still had the second they were both AstraZeneca.

Ive got rashes that's like blister rash on and off weird.

Im unsure what to do with my legs as so painful and getting worse ive cried with it. Sorry its a long read if u want to pm me thats ok


elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

so sorry, exactly how I am for 15 months now. Tell your GP that despite the burning in the feet and legs they DO feel cool to the touch with peripheral neuropathy.

Since the beginning of August suddenly developed itching rash on my arms and legs after sitting in the sun. This is the sun worshipper who lived in Australia for 15 years and never worried about sun screen. Was on antihistimines for three weeks 4 times a day. Left them off as it said not to take for longer than two weeks!!! Two days ago and today whilst writing this message only just now able to sit in the sun. Had raging reaction to hair dye which I've used for years.

I do still have the rash on my legs but not so angry looking and obviously keep trousers on. I hope your's dies down, it is very unpleasant and no amount of cremes etc did anything except made it itch more. GP was pretty clueless and told me to put lidocaine on it. Lidocaine comes in itsy bitsy tube enough for one finger lol

twinks profile image
twinks in reply to elaine2447

Im on antihistamines for the rashes Ialways feel itchy now though. Stopped body wash using unperfumed baby wash didn't make any difference.

Ive stopped dying my hair so i now look like tortoishell cat now as its growing out. Still itching

Most of my lower legs are cold and swollen one part on front of shin is little bit red and feels hot

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

Oh dear, I am the same unperfumed shower gel, etc still causes itching.. Am sure it's the immune system gone haywire thanks to you know what as my TSH went to over 8 and I am now on a small dose of thyroxine.

twinks profile image
twinks in reply to elaine2447

im on 200mcg in December the pharmacy changed the brand.....i started feeling more unwell after months i saw gp. My tsh was 20 i think it was the brand so ive changed pharmacy to get original brand

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

200mcg seems a lot. I had to get permission via the gp for the endo dept to agree in case i had a hyper, didnt want that again, it was the forerunner to hypo with the hashimotos but they were too stupid, suffered for 13 weeks feeling like my heart was going to explode non stop throughout the day and night. Went to a endo surgeon in london and the first thing he said we are going to check your antibodies, i had never heard of anything like that as my main problem i thought was with the parathyroid. Anyway, he was right, antibodies over the lab scale and he said you have hashimotos and were experiencing a hyper would could have been dangerous at my age as well. Anyway, it calmed down so that was ignored along with the parathyroid for five years and then post vax it all started going wrong with neuropathy and thyroid. They first put me on teva which made me feel ill, seems i am not good with mannitol. Why the blazes they have to use it I dont know, as they are quite large, the size of a diazepam, whereas the wockhardt 25mcg which i take now and are tiny little things so no need for all those horrible fillers. I take it about 11.30 at night as it's too complicated with all this avoiding calciium for four hours and food one hour in the mornings.

twinks profile image
twinks in reply to elaine2447

I just looked back and i think its teva caused my tsh to rise i felt ill on it and told gp the tablets just disolved on my tongue before i could use water.

I started to feel better on my old make but pharmacy has given me wrong ones again a different make i just looked and theyre northstar by teva and have mannitol in them

Ive taken these for 2 weeks but feel unwell again.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

I don't know if they cause TSH to rise but teva definitely a known cause of problems amongst thyroid sufferers. Because of my neuropathy and walking I reluctantly use tesco pharmacy as close by and despite my surgery writing must be wockhardt each month they invariably get it wrong and issue teva, it's a pain but lady in pharmacist last time felt sorry for my wasted journeys by foot and ordered 4 months of wockhardt.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

It seems they will always try and palm you off with Teva as it's cheap.

twinks profile image
twinks in reply to elaine2447


elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

A friend just mentioned about taking Lion's mane, it is a mushroom based supplement which is supposed to be good for these things. Unfortuntely I am not good with mushrooms or I would give it a go. It mentions about nerve damage and inflammation

BirkiNAsa profile image
BirkiNAsa in reply to elaine2447

Hello ladies, I am in the US and am unfamiliar with UK thyroid brands, but have been dealing with AI thyroid issues for almost 30 years now. I have had brief borderline parathyroid issues, but as have remained either BL or normal, have not pursued any further.

Recommend two, medically reliable sites for you both for AI thyroid info., and Mary Shomon's site.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to BirkiNAsa

Please don't be fooled by that borderline or "mild" hyperparathyrodism as the ignorant Gp's and endos refer to in the UK. There is no such thing, you either have it or you don't, like being pregnant and not mildly pregnant. I let mine go on for five years with these idiots. My calcium was just over sometimes or high end normal which is not normal and the pth was always over. I eventually was told by a fantastic surgeon in California, Dr Larian, not to let it go any further as my bones were deteriorating rapidly, he said go and get it sorted whatever it costs as you are ruining your life. He could only recommend one professor in London who he knew and had sat in a couple of his operations. So in the February 2020 I sent a long email to this Professor P and then i saw him at the end of February, and went in for the operation on the 20th March and he removed three parathyroid glands. This was to be my new start in life but the Chinese put paid to that with another of their many viruses and so we were all locked down and I foolishly got vaccinated and am the way i am now because of it.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to twinks

This is quite enlightening, came upon it accidentally earlier on

elaine2447 profile image

I'll answer poperly tomorrow or Friday but I quickly looked on my phone only to find the original unicef article disputed!!!!

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