What can anyone tell me re side effects if Effexor XR for Major Depressive Disorder with anxiety. Was on 150 mg which has increased to 225 mg. Diazepam and sleeping Polly as needed
Side effects of Effexor XR: What can anyone... - Anxiety Support
Side effects of Effexor XR
I had to reduce my dosage from 150 to half because of incessant itching. It took me over a year to realize this was an adverse reaction to too much serotonin and not an allergy. I was scratching my skin off… bruises everywhere. It was a disaster. Blisters, redness, bruises, and wounds. The itch would move from one spot to another. It affected my entire body. From scalp to limbs, to bottom of my feet. Chest, belly, butt, fingers, palms. My skin was fire hit and swollen. I was put on a massive prednisone dose and a potent antihistamine. My doctor never figured out the problem for this not being a common side effect. It’s been a ween on the lower dose and the pruritus is gone. But now I’m dealing with the adjustment … I’m waking up and having depression meltdowns till the pill kicks in. It’s hard.
Hey thanks so much for reaching out. I have found that ever since my dosage has increased I have the weirdest of sensations including pins and needles and upper gastric issues. All the very best with your depression journey. Like you said it’s so hard to deal with and sometimes the side effects create further anxiety because I end up thinking there is something else wrong with me Xxx