How can I ease my anxiety about this? - Anxiety Support

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How can I ease my anxiety about this?

DemureRose profile image
3 Replies

When my anxiety first began to become an issue, it wasn't specific things that triggered it...just random things.

In the past year, however, I have discovered something that continuously triggers my anxiety...the idea of getting my wisdom teeth removed.

Just thinking of it right now to type this is causing my adrenaline to rush.

After I realized that specific topic was so triggering, I analyzed it further to figure out what exactly was causing my anxiety. I was able to determine that it wasn't the pain or the needles or the idea of not waking up that worried me. was the idea of being put to sleep. That of all things causes my heart rate to increase substantially.

Though to be completely honest it isn't the idea of being put to sleep exactly that freaks me out the most, it's the idea of waking up groggy and disoriented in a room full of nurses/doctors. Or unimaginably worse, my parents seeing me like that.

I mean I don't even like sleeping if anyone else around me is awake, and the idea of someone else waking me up is equally as stressful. I was the one at sleepovers who woke up at the crack of dawn to ensure I was awake before everyone else.

I have this weird paranoia about vulnerability. My ideal wisdom teeth recovery situation is booking a hotel room for a week just for me and hunkering down. Nobody bothering me nor seeing me in a vulnerable state. Not realistic I know but you get the point.

I tried to find a solution for my fear by researching obsessively what my options were anesthetic-wise. I had thought I found the perfect solution, an option literally quoted to be "perfect for those who feel anxious about being put fully to sleep." That quote being on the website of the place I would be having the procedure done.

When they told me that option actually wasn't an option and that I had only the option of full sedation, I literally broke down in the office. To the point that the doctor suggested I talk to a professional psychologist before going through with the operation.

I still find it so hard to believe that he could only offer me one option. I mean they had at least five listed for wisdom teeth procedures, with the one I wanted being the least amount of anesthetic and the one he suggested being the most (and most expensive I might add.) Like couldn't he have at least tried to meet me in the middle and find me an option that addressed my worries? Whatever it's done now.

My deal is that I want to be fully conscious and aware when I get in the car to go home. I don't want to be loopy. I don't want to act weird. I don't want anything like that.

The fact that I picked my mother up after she had a simple procedure where she was put under and she was completely able to function tells me that I can get what I want and need for my stress levels.

I almost feel like I should get formally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder just so I can have a "doctor's note" to show to this surgeon so he works with me a bit. So that he realizes that this isn't just nerves, but actually disrupts my life. Maybe then he would be more helpful with finding an option that would help soothe me.

And I did take his advice and begin seeing a therapist, but I haven't discussed my wisdom teeth removal anxiety with her because I can't even talk about it without having a physical reaction like nausea, difficulty breathing, or shakiness. I have to be able to still function after these appointments, you know?

Like just the other day one of my good friends had her wisdom teeth removed and I had to mute all contact from her because she kept sending videos talking about it and it was causing me to have a reaction.

How am I supposed to get this done myself if I can't even see other people do it?

I'm just not sure how to deal with this. Pushing it to the back of my mind and refusing the think about it can only last for so long.

Did/Does anyone else have the same anxiety trigger or just a random anxiety trigger in general? If so, how did/ do you deal with it?

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DemureRose profile image
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3 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

You may want to explore this matter a little further and discuss it with another dentist. How many wisdom teeth are being removed at once? I had them done one at a time over a period of a few years, and each time only Novacaine was used; I was not put to sleep. I felt absolutely NO pain.

Agora1 profile image

Hi DemureRose x I remember you talking about having your wisdom teeth removed a while back. I can relate to your anxiety regarding being put to sleep and waking up

disoriented. Like you, I have no fear of the procedure, any pain afterwards etc.

I went to an Oral Surgeon whose plaque in the waiting room states..."We cater to cowards"

Well I've never considered myself a coward but knew that I had found the right doctor.

I was given Plain Novacaine, the procedure was short lived (that's because of their experience) I listened to my cassette tape the whole time and did my breathing and meditation. It was over before I knew it and I was able to drive myself home (though not far) Didn't need anything for pain because I knew any discomfort was normal.

That's long behind me now. I hope you don't give up finding someone who will work with

your requests and your anxiety. good luck dear Let me know how it goes :) xx

HK68 profile image

Hi, had my wisdom tooth removed after years of trying to avoid it until the tooth decayed too much. I have seen a few dentist just to select the one i am most comfortable with. No pain during surgery (not sleep) and after some painkillers be ok in 1 or 2 days. Now i wish i had it removes years ago and escape the agony of suffering.

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