Anxiety is back with a vengeance - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety is back with a vengeance

Guzman13 profile image
6 Replies

I was fine for a while

One palpitation every week or so

Until yesterday….

I was driving and I suddenly felt like my heart thumped extra hard. I thought “hmm ok this is my weekly palpitation. I don’t feel super stressed or anxious”

I got home and showered and I was relaxing on my couch when BAM another palpitation. No big deal. I’ve gotten up to 30 palpitations in a day before. I went to sleep and woke up feeling fine and relaxed. As I was doing my hair this morning I tried to breathe in when I felt a weird heart sensation. Every inhale was a heart palpitation. It kept going on for like 5-6 inhales. I was even able to put my hand over my heart and feel my heart go crazy everytime I would breathe in. Now I’m just a mess.

I feel them when I try to take a really deep breath or even when I try to burp.

I’m shaking, trying to figure out why this is happening and when it will end and wondering if this will finally kill me. I’m a phlebotomist so I can draw my own blood and send it out to the lab. I checked my potassium a week ago and it was at a 4.0.

I came to work to re-draw and check my potassium because I wish it’s just my potassium acting up and I can take medication and control it.

I feel like i’m spiraling out of control. As i’m typing, I feel like i’m still getting palpitations in my neck. I’m terrified. Help me guys if you guys have felt something like this before or currently feel like this.

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Guzman13 profile image
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6 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

You should not try to diagnose this yourself. Many things, in addition to potassium affect the heart. See your doctor, or better still a cardiologist. to check out the irregular beats. There are a number of different types of irregular beats depending on which ventricle or part of the heart they are originating in. Most of them are benign or treatable. It may be anxiety, but you don't indicate that you are anxious when the palpitations occur.

Guzman13 profile image
Guzman13 in reply to b1b1b1

I’ve gone to many cardiologists and have gotten EKGS, echocardiograms and holter monitors and they have all come back fine. The only thing the cardiologist saw in my holter monitor results were PVCS and PACS

In regards to the current palpitations, I am completely relaxed when they happen. I am now anxious and it’s triggering them even more I feel like

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Guzman13

So maybe what you are feeling are the PVCs. I have some also, but I don't feel them. My cardiologist says some people feel them and some don't. I guess I am lucky. If they continue to bother you there are some steps that can be taken. Ask your cardiologist.

Fearoffear profile image

Jimmyluke55 profile image

Know how you feel love I have this too sometimes my heart beats like this all day

Please take a step back and question this a little more in depth....the magic ingredient in all of this is NOT potassium...although it plays a part it is only a small part.The one thing that does play an even bigger part is magnesium.Why is this?

Because when magnesium in the cell runs low...the ATP pump that controls potassium exchange with sodium goes awry...the ATP requires magnesium to work efficiently...sadly the western diet is poor in magnesium. .If you have low have low magnesium...they work as together as part of the mitochondria kreb cycle to produce normal energy rhythm...heres the thing....measuring potassium in serum...does not reflect what is going on in the cellular if your blood levels are fine for K it does not mean its fine for the cellular...and the only way to correct to take magnesium.This makes the potassium enter the cell from the blood.....this causes sodium to leave the cell thus creating the proper exchange in tissue.Ever wondered why some people in heart failure have swollen legs...its the sodium trapped in tissue wanting to get out but because they are low in magnesium...the potassium doesnt switch places...this is why taking magnesium can cause you to visit the toilet abit more often...fluid retention is a sure sign of low magnesium.

Magnesium Taurate is found mainly in the heart muscle...and when its at normal level...your heart rhythm can contract (calcium)and relax( magnesium) like a balance wheel in a clock...tick tock tick tock.

Try using a magnesium supplement and watch these irritating rhythms settle down.Anxiety certainly uses up your serum levels of magnesium which is around 1% and the body has to source more from the bones and tissues...this is why stress causes ectopics.Calcium which contracts muscles hence twitches cramps ectopics can have a field day when you run low on magnesium...forget about your potassium levels unless you have an endocrine disease like kidney or adrenal.Hope that helps reassure you.

As a woman you should aim for 350 mg a day...its quite safe to take 500 mg a day because it only gets passed out the body should you reach enough in the serum.Just avoid magnesium sulphate unless you like spending time in the bathroom.Most of the other variants of magnesium are good...glycinate...threonate...orotate..taurate(best for heart))

lastly if you are taking Calcium supplements or have a thyroid issue...then this will throw the magnesium calcium balance off enough to cause ectopics.When a doctor just tells you its nothing to worry about...then they are in part ignoring this simple solution...because like most issues things often correct themselves with a good balanced diet free from sugar with plenty of essential nutrients.

A quick word about trapped air and ectopics...anxious people often swallow air as they become more uptight...this causes the esophagus and stomach to increase pressure on the vagus nerve...and bingo...this triggers a rhythm effect...some people use sodium bicarbonate...(i take a small thermos of hot water and bicarb when out and about to counteract any issues) this will react with stomach acid and produce enough gas to release trapped air but funnily enough it also lowers circulating calcium in blood which has an immediate effect on ectopics...just go of two swigs ..dont drink cups and cups....remember its all about finding the balance...then things should settle down for you.

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