I've been having very low mornings for some time now. I live alone and am getting to the point where I feel almost suicidal. I'm on Mirtazapine 30mg and some Diazepam which I take before bed. I feel so lonely sometimes. Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
Very Low Mornings : I've been having very... - Anxiety Support
Very Low Mornings

Hi formidible
Low mornings do seem to be very common amongst sufferers...and I completely understand the loneliness feeling. You could try putting somekind of comforting audio podcasts on from YouTube when you wake up and listen to it as you go through your morning routine....some people find music in the mornings helps too. I sometimes play audio books in the bathroom while I'm getting ready as part of my morning routine, different things work for different people. As for the loneliness...online chat groups like this one are great for staying connected with like minded people, you can also Google search for groups in your area such as walking groups...book clubs....etc.
Do you have any interests or hobbies? if so you can also Google search groups that may relate to your interests. In the meantime you always have us....We're all in the same kind of boat here...you can come and let off steam or chat to the many caring people in this community...feel free to PM me if you ever need an ear or a chat xx

Thanks Suzie. I put the radio on in the morning before I get up. When I feel low I get kind of panicky. Not having much to do during the day isn't helping either but I try and have some routine.
When we suffer with anxiety for most there is always one part of the day we struggle with most this is quite common
So if Mornings you feel like this I think putting things in place to distract us can help so rather than sitting with your own thoughts maybe the radio in the background or TV if you prefer to break that loneliness as you can hear others talking
Are there any groups you could join , maybe some volunteer work to start to help you meet new people and feel you have a purpose to get up
I am so sorry you are feeling so low with your thoughts , I have had them to , maybe talking to your Doctor would be a good idea to
We are hear to listen and hopefully knowing you are not aloe will help and that we do understand
Take Care x

Thanks Lulu. I applied to do some charity shop work, but nothing came of that. They didn't have the decency to even get back to me. It's like everything I've tried recently hasn't worked. I feel cursed.
You are not cursed honestly sometimes life is just this way and I know how you feel as I have felt this way often and especially when I am going through a bad time or feeling low
Have you heard about the telephone service Silver line ?
I will pop you the link on and don't think I am saying you are old because I actually use it
This can work two ways
You could get a call of someone if you apply to them twice a week OR you can become a Volunteer and be the caller to someone that is lonely , I think it could be perfect for you but take a look
I agree when you are volunteering it has come to something when people cannot be decent enough to let you know and as well I thought Volunteers are much needed , shows how much I know and how to be honest this world is changing !
Don't give up when things don't happen think like I try and tell myself this must not have been for me and there will be something better
You have us to talk to so hopefully that is one plus x

That sounds great Lulu. I will check it out.
Let me know how you get on x

Will do. Am about to call them.
They said they've had many offers of help recently and are not currently taking on any new volunteers, but asked if I would call back in a months time. It's good to know they are there 24/7 though, so thanks for the link Lulu.
Well I would certainly phone back in a month because it was not a no and a month will go quick
Have you tried like the Food banks in you area to see if they need help ?
I am shocked everyone seems to have so many Volunteers but at the same time nice to know people care enough to be helping out x

Yes I will try in a months time Lulu. I don't think food bank work is up my street to be honest but I know they are essential for many nowadays.
Maybe put in Google
Volunteers needed ( and then the area you live in ) it could come up with something in your area , anything is worth a try
But don't give up and remember we are here when you want to talk x
Hi there
So sorry you’re having these low moods and I find mornings are the worst for me too with you being alone isn’t helping I suppose..maybe ask your doctor to increase your medication to see if it helps take the edge off a bit until you start to feel less low in the morning
Hello Formidible. I am also currently taking Mirtazapine 30mg, I take this to help me sleep. How long have you been taking it for? For me when I first started taking it i felt tired and extremely lazy, had no interest in doing everyday things, I'd say it took a couple of months for my motivation to come back so hang in there, thing's will get better for you. One thing that I found helped me a lot was taking Magnesium L-Threonate supplement, it's the best form of Magnesium as it crosses the blood-brain barrier, might be worth a go, it can uplift your mood too.
Also how much Diazepam are you taking? And is it everyday you take it?
All the best
Hi. I've been on 30mg Mirtazapine for almost a year now. I started on the lower dose as this helped with sleep and calming me down as I had severe anxiety at the time. I also take Magnesium Citrate supplement. Not sure how different that is to the L-Threonate that is? Officially I was on a reduction plan for Diazepam. I managed to get down to 6mg at night daily at night until lockdown set in. On days with high anxiety I take an extra 1mg of (unofficial) Lorazepam which really works for me, but my GP knows nothing about this. I then stop the Lorazepam within 2 days and then the low mornings return. I don't think I can reduce the benzos any more right now. I've asked for a formal MH diagnosis but the surgery say it's impossible to get a Psychiatrist appointment unless you are deemed Psychotic. I do some meditation and mindfulness which sometimes helps. I've also just started weekly counselling which I'm having to pay for. It's too early to tell how that's going to go.
Formidable, I feel your pain. Feel I am in the same boat. I try to meet folks as much as I can
to ward off the loneiness. It is not a nice feeling. Hang in there..
I too live alone and find mornings the worst. I wonder sometimes how I will face the day. All the symptoms i have ( and am scarily awaiting results of tests from) havnt gone away overnight as I was hoping and it takes me a while to come to term's with that...I cry a lot......I did start some voluntary work but as we are still in a form of lockdown where I live it has stayed at a standstill. It takes me until lunchtime to be able to cope with getting up some days. Even telephone volunteering didn't work out. You are not alone in this.
Formidable....how are you getting along? How are you feeling.
I'm ok thanks Bettikins. Thanks for asking. Had another low morning again today but this afternoon I had a long chat with one of the helplines which really lifted my mood. I still have an issue about controlling my anxiety with benzo's but it's low dose and I'm not beating myself up with it. When things improve I can start coming off then. These are very strange times. I've decided to continue with my therapist and to try my best to stop the negative talker I have inside my head. Sometimes we're our own worst enemies. I realised during my talk that I was a good person and had achieved more than I had realised. I fell out with my cousin at the end of last year which I found very painful, but ways were suggested of how to move forward with that. Anyway how are you Bettikins? Thanks again for your message.