My friend is coming over to watch baby so I can shower and I’m already getting anxious. My chest feels heavy and my hands are tingly. 🥺 Showering really triggers my anxiety.. I’m always scared something bad will happen.
Anxious: My friend is coming over to watch... - Anxiety Support

Think of all the positives
You will have a friend there and lucky to have such good friends
Nothing bad will happen to you except you will smell lovely
And you can have a nice chat and show your beautiful baby of
Can you take any music in the bathroom with you to distract your thoughts
If she is a close friend you could leave the door open a little and ask her to listen out for you
You will be fine , deep breaths and pamper yourself
Take Care x


Such wonderful encouragement!
Omg I relate to everything your going through it’s crazy I hate this
Yup!!! Taking a shower is pretty awful lately for me too .. I am always thinking I will pass out on the shower and collapse
Me too, I feel so claustrophobic and scared something might happen to me. I never lock the bathroom door and I always have the shower door wide open.
Me too, I suffer no matter how much sleep I get I’m constantly drained, no energy my body aches all the time. I’m scared to take a shower because afraid something will happen while I’m in there