Can anxiety cause TMJ? Or affect your nerves? My nerves have been bad lately!! I've been very on edge I'm always catching myself balling my fist right or scratching my thigh anything to put weight on my nerves??? I'm twitchy, jumpy, paranoid it's bad......
Can Anxiety go this far?: Can anxiety cause... - Anxiety Support
Can Anxiety go this far?

hi yeah anxiety and stress could be making you feel this way even medication or other factors hopefully it passes for you soon.
Suggest that you also try to get tested to make sure that your vitamins - B12, B9 (folate) and D are okay, particularly if your anxiety means that you aren't eating properly.
Are there any home remedies? I'm tired of going to the hospital
The first step would be to look at your diet and make sure it has a good balance of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
If diet doesn't resolve the problem then I would still recommend trying to get blood tests done - though interpretting serum B12 is extremely difficult, ad deficiencies are not always caused by dietary factors, and, particularly in the case of B12, medical intervention may be needed.
Hi, my anxiety has caused my tmj to flare up and I've noticed on occasions I'm grinding my teach again, and yes, my nerves are also on edge, as well as all the other anxiety physical symptoms coming out to play. I was doing so well until another stressful situation and now it's back to square one, but at least now I have a 'toolkit' eg mindfulness and other tools I use to alleviate or try to ignore the symptoms. I can't take any prescribed medication or I have been taking vitamin b complex and herbal calms for a while, and also trying to eat a healthy diet. Sometimes I get angry at my symptoms and shout at myself, funny enough the symptoms hide away then lol. Take care your not alone xx
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. To answer your question, anxiety can definitely cause TMJ. I had to get a special mouth guard to keep me from clenching my jaw in my sleep. It’s helped a lot.