Hi everyone. I had flu-like symptoms back in January. As I was getting over it I developed slight vertigo. It would come and go for a week then disappeared.
Okay fine.
But then in February, I developed ear fullness and facial tension.
That’s when the vertigo came back. And it came back stronger. I eventually developed a heavy head with so much pressure that sometimes it felt like it was going to explode.
It got me lightheaded and sent me to urgent care.
I eventually was given a comprehensive blood panel which came out just fine (except for a tad bit low on Vitamin D). The doctor said I had a middle/inner ear infection.
Now it’s been over a month since these symptoms began.
I still have a heavy head and ear pressure/crackling. (I feel most lightheaded when I lean forward or stand up too quickly) So much pressure that any loud startling sounds gets me dizzy.
But now I have odd sensations in my body. Burning hands when it’s just a tad bit cold outside. Throbbing fingers at random times. And burning feet especially in the morning when it’s coldest. Numbness in feet when I’m laying down.
There seems to be some peripheral neuropathy going on here but I’m not sure why. Can an ear or possible sinus infection cause the nerves in my body to go haywire??
It honestly feels like my blood flow within my nerves don’t know where to go?
Or is this something else? CFS?
I have aches developing in random places in my body + slight shortness of breath. But it’s constantly changing. The only thing that really stays constant is the ear/swollen head pressure along with the burning sensations.
29 year old male
175 lbs
I was healthy leading up to the new year. Now I’m ill.
Any advice would be amazing!