Sharing is caring .... or not : I guess I’ll... - Anxiety Support

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Sharing is caring .... or not

Ryan990 profile image
73 Replies

I guess I’ll be wiping my ass with news paper for the next month. I wanna say A real big thank you to a very special lady ahead of me in line at the store with 2 full cart/trolleys full of toilet paper . I’ll think of you every time my cut my ass using reading material as my butt wipe .

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Ryan990 profile image
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73 Replies

Hello :-)

The world has gone mad over toilet paper , not sure why !

Hope you find somewhere that has it in stock :-)

Agree though as much as some may be getting paranoid let's think of each other :-)

After all we all have a backside :-D

Take Care x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

I know right lol , she must of had 200 rolls , this lady took the last of what was on the shelf. So good job there wasn’t any more , or she would of taken more

If only we could all be more considerate, it truly would help..

It goes to

‘Every man/woman for him/her self’ mode..

Makes me feel sad and also mad 😡

in reply to

Agree :-)

Hope you are staying strong :-) x

in reply to

Hi lulu,

Been thinking bout you.

I’m not bad, if I’m honest I’m scared for my hospital appointment for a number of reasons...the virus, plus the procedure I’m having..yeh I’m scared...but, unless they cancel, and as long as I don’t get a cold before the appointment, I’m going 😩’s next Wednesday morn..

I hope you are ok ...🌹🌻🌹🌻

in reply to

Hello :-)

Bless you , you will feel like you do for the reasons you have named , I think most would and it is ok to feel this way ( even though awful feelings to have )

They are been vigilant at the Hospitals , a friend of mine ( yes I have one :-D ) she had to go and she said they were taking your temperature as you went in so try best you can to be reassured they are vetting us before letting us pass through :-)

I know you will let them know at the hospital that you have anxiety and they can be so supportive , once this is done and I know it is easy for me to say but you can get that peace of mind and try and focus on that , that feeling would be such a relief , going through this will be worth it :-)

I ended up at the dentist yesterday , toothache and the worse scenario for me happened the tooth had to come out :-(

I have very sensitive teeth and goodness I feel like I have been punched in the face and all the nerves are damaged but I know this is how it goes with me as just a check up I hurt for days after so feeling rough and it is the weekend and because I got rushed in on a weekend last year my PTSD is of the scale all weekend so between us we are doing quite a lot of worrying :-o

I hope for us both this will change soon :-)

Back to the subject of toilet roll :-D , I have had to take extra strong pain killers which constipate me so negative is I hate getting constipated as that causes me anxiety but meanwhile I suppose if I look for a positive I am not using toilet roll !!! ( trying to make you smile )

Use us for support , you can and will do this :-) x

in reply to

Omg lulu, sorry that happened around the dentist and your tooth...😩 at least you went, well done ! That’s something over and done..phew it’s all worry and anxiety for us at the moment, it will change, things don’t stay the same.

Yes it’s on my form for the procedure about my struggles with anxiety etc, and so far the hospital have been so good 😊

And thank you ! What you say around the hospitals makes sense and is reassuring. It may even be that by next Wednesday they have to cancel my appointment, I guess whatever is safest..

Funny , pain killers cause that to me too...🙄

I went out briefly today just to get a few bits, I needed to pick up a couple of toilet rolls...and guess what...

Not bloody one on the shelves, in three supermarkets I went to !😡 I have two left !!

Luckily my daughter has some spare so is bringing some to me sometime over the weekend...unbelievable !

Take care lulu ! X🌻

in reply to

I really hope they don't have to cancel you as that will just prolong that peace of mind I want for you and like I said they are been really careful at the Hospitals who they are letting in :-)

I had no choice but to go to the dentist to be honest the pain I was in but I am still in pain but it was a big tooth , feels like she took the nerves in that side of my face with it !

I am ok when taking just paracetamol but I have had to go on to co codamol ( not sure if that is the spelling ) and they are the one's that cause me issues , you can't win as I need them for the pain till it all settles down

Glad your Daughter is coming to the rescue with toilet rolls , who would believe we would be having a post on toilet rolls but here we are doing just that :-D

Keep in touch and let me know how you are :-) x

in reply to

A post on toilet rolls 🤣🤣🤣

I tend to take a pain killer and a senokot tab to counteract it !

Then it seems to be ok.

Hope the pain goes quickly for you soon.

And yes I’m kinda hoping they don’t cancel, the waiting is worse in a lot of ways...

Yes I’m grateful for my daughter being able to come over

Take care lulu. I will keep in touch , yes x

🌻🌻🌻🌻 xx

in reply to

I agree and while we are waiting we build so much up in our minds and after we think why did I put myself through all that !

Might have to try that trick if I have to keep taking these painkillers never thought they would do this to me as it is a long time since I have taken them

Well let's hope we all have a plentiful toilet roll weekend with a little less anxiety thrown in to :-D x

in reply to

Yes take care. Chat soon..


Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

Like donkey Kong my lady 💪

in reply to Ryan990

:-D x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

I love this post ❤️, I’d give my last roll to an old person who was more at risk than me at catching this virus

in reply to Ryan990

I will let you know when I need it then :-D x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

Make sure you do lulu , p.s it’s lavender scented 😉👊

in reply to Ryan990

O how posh is that lavender scented , again I would keep quite you have a lavender scented toilet roll or make sure you keep you doors locked , that could be worth something , you could be sitting on a gold mine there and not even know it :-D x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

I bought 2 machetes online a week ago, I am ready for the toilet paper apocalypse 😂

in reply to Ryan990

Who would have ever thought a year ago we would be having to protect our toilet roll ( if we were lucky to have any :-D ) x

Im just wondering how much dang toilet paper this person uses to need that much even if stocking up for a month. Does she house 10 people? 🤣

This corona virus thing is something I never thought I live to see. It’s a mad mad world.

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I have read the symptoms and no where have I read it gives you the runs but looks like we feel it must do :-D

If you go on places like Amazon people are charging as much as a 100 pounds for toilet roll , which is just as selfish taking advantage of people needing it that for some reason cannot get it anywhere

Never thought I would see such a panic over toilet roll , hope you have plenty :-/ x

in reply to

Makes you wonder if she’s selling it 50.00 bucks a roll.

I don’t use much, I hate waste...wait...that didn’t come out right did it? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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She possibly could be if anyone is daft enough to pay that much :-D

Good job if you ask me that you don't like waste :-D

I am in the UK and there has been a rush on for eggs , they are hard to get , I am wondering if everyone is going on a egg diet so they will not need as much toilet paper because it seems to be eggs and toilet roll where I am in short supply :-D

I hope this soon passes does not help your anxiety one bit ! :-) x

in reply to

Yes yes, the constipation diet. That’ll solve the need for TP.

in reply to

Get your eggs in now before everyone clicks on to it :-D x

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Better to come out then stay in! Permanent constipation can't be much fun 😆😁 x

in reply to hypercat54

Agreed. I eat daily the right amount of fiber to avoid this at all cost. Nothing like being backed up, bloated and very irritable. People around me pay dearly. 😂😂😂

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Yurk! 🤣🤣🤣 x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to hypercat54

Can’t agree more 👊

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

We know Roxie, word on the street is you device on square into 4 pieces 😉. I am the same as you tho to be honest

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

Some people are just not the sharpest of knives in the draw 😂

in reply to Ryan990

I agree with that , we know what our problems are and can talk about it yet others think they are normal when they are clearly not :-D x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

Lmao , I thought the same things , in line I was thinking “ is she preparing for the virus , or is she in need to see dr about her bowls “

in reply to Ryan990

I can confirm our first case announced an hour ago, our TP is completely gone from the store shelves already. They left bread, milk, eggs, but took all the TP. This stuff must be worth gold or something. So bizzare.

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

Toilet paper is now worth more in weight that gold per ounce 😂😂

in reply to Ryan990

i think I’ll keep the 12 rolls I’ve got, they are double ply, they’ll last a little while. 😂😂😂

in reply to

O I would not announce you have toilet paper , especially double ply :-D keep your doors locked :-D x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to

That’s why I have a machete , ( 2 to be honest ) , this toilet paper frenzy will make people turn into crazed killers 😂

aneerj profile image

We will never got crazy over Toilet Paper because we always use water..

Charlpalp profile image
Charlpalp in reply to aneerj

Deffo surely if it goes to a lockdown and you have no toilet roll then just go in the shower it’s stupid why toilet roll even kitchen roll is selling out

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

That’s my plan of action . 👊

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to aneerj

I’d just shower each time , but yes people just need water

Tlicht0829 profile image

You should have told her she dropped something then jacked a couple packages and go to another check out 😂

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Tlicht0829

Or coughed in her direction , hoping she would run off without her man made mountain of toilet roll

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Ryan990

This thread is making me emotional #Free#the#toilet#paper#campaign

Tlicht0829 profile image
Tlicht0829 in reply to Ryan990

Who knew there would be a time a cough could clear a room! 😂😂😂

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Tlicht0829

I know right !! 😂😂 I hope we are all practising our dry coughs, ya never know when you’ll have a fire off a few fake ones to protect yourself

Charlpalp profile image

Even customers at my work are pinching toilet rolls out of the loo now we have had to put just one in now as there going missing 😂 😂

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

Lmao , that really made me chuckle . 😂

Charlpalp profile image

😂 the world is going mad! If anyone coughs or sneezes at work literally everyone looks and moves away it’s been winter for goodness sake! They is bound to be coughs and colds going around never mind this virus ontop of it all 🦠

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

About the only time in life , where a fart is more welcome than cough 😂

Charlpalp profile image

😂 😂 definitely we have all been laughing at work how everyone’s only just come obsessed with washing the hands and germs and now panicking how there going to wipe there arse lol 😂

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

God forbid that they may actually have to wash there arse as well as there hands 😂

Charlpalp profile image

😂😂 haha what has this world come to literally. everyone is on mega panic mode.. where about are you from?

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

Essex , what about you?

Charlpalp profile image

Chesterfield... how many cases are they there x

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

Only 11 in the whole county 😂, what about you?x

in reply to Charlpalp

Snap ! x

Charlpalp profile image

I think there’s 7 cases confirmed in my area at moment x how old are you

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp


Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Ryan990

That’s my age , not the amount of toilet rolls I have 😉😂

in reply to Charlpalp

Keep fingers crossed there are 7 but none so far in Chesterfield , so far though that is :-) x

Charlpalp profile image

😂 haha xx do you have any toilet rolls or are the shelves cleared in Essex

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Charlpalp

We are currently a bogg roll free county at this very moment . What about you?

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Sorry to say people who do that don’t care about others. Well Now stores are starting to put limits on how much you can buy. And a friend of mine told me that the Walmart by where she lives, is only letting a certain amount of people in at a time. Everyone’s different, the one where I live, it’s a Free for All. Hopefully people will get a Grip?

Lilypocket profile image

She should have been stopped at check out that's ridiculous! X

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Lilypocket

She should of been tasered 😂

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Ryan990

Freeze mother of all hoarders! If you don't hand over 1 trolley of the precious cargo I will put a spell on you where you will live in a house entirely made of loo paper but no loos for eternity. 😈 (Or I could just ask you nicely to hand over a pack 🤔)😂

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Lilypocket

Lol 😂😂😂😂, and you’ll be locked in the same adult diaper for eternity 😝

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Ryan990

Yuck! Not a nice thought 😝😆😀😂

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Lilypocket

Sorry if you was half way through your lunch 😝😂

Staceyhunter profile image

🤣🤣 someone in FB had posted that they had a 24 pack of toilet roll looking to swap for a 2 bed bungalow 🤣 sheer madness!!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Ryan990 profile image
Ryan990 in reply to Staceyhunter

😂, they better of been real soft for that trade !!!!

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