Coronavirus : How is everyone feeling about... - Anxiety Support

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Charlpalp profile image
27 Replies

How is everyone feeling about the Coronavirus do we think it’s going to hit the uk badly feeling very worried and nervous

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Charlpalp profile image
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27 Replies
Sapgirl profile image

Extremely worried, wishing the schools would hurry up and close for safety reasons so I can stay off work too. I have 4 people in isolation from my work and I'm really struggling to be normal around people. Iv become obsessed with going on the news etc and avoiding places... Meant to be going to Spain in June and I can already see me cancelling x

in reply to Sapgirl

O goodness Sapgirl , I can only imagine how fearful that must be if where you work 4 are in isolation , I don't think I would dare go to work !

I have agoraphobia so don't go out but my hubby and son still go out and when they come in I am forever checking they wash their hands !

I will be honest if I did not have agoraphobia I would not be going abroad for my holidays this year , I would stay put and I wish that is what they would do now just stop people travelling as it seems to be that is how this is spreading :-(

Fingers crossed they will get it under control soon :-) x

Charlpalp profile image

What area are you from again? And isolation? Does that mean they have tested positive for it... I know what you mean I work in a restaurant and I feel like not going as you don’t know if anyone has been abroad and there coughing and sneezing 😔 I was in two minds wether to let the kids go to nursery or not xx

Sapgirl profile image
Sapgirl in reply to Charlpalp

Newcastle area, I was at the rvi Friday and there is two people there who are positive but they are completly shut off from the public, the 4 colleagues of mine havnt tested positive I don't thibk they've even been tested as they havnt developed symptoms. They've just been told to stay at home but my boss came in the office as he didn't get the email. I don't blame u I seriously might keep my son off school xx

Hello :-)

Really worried and more cases seem to be popping up in the UK now one is not to far from where I am , I am frightened that it just does not seem to be getting under control or how they are going to get it under control !

So yes it is on my mind a lot !

Take Care x

Charlpalp profile image
Charlpalp in reply to

Where abouts are you from lulu? Xx

in reply to Charlpalp

Midlands uk x

Jools7770 profile image
Jools7770 in reply to

Where in the Midlands please?

in reply to Jools7770

North :-) x

mdooms profile image

It is hard to say. I’m In the US and it appears not good. But, don’t listen to the media. They only scare everyone. Take your precautions seriously and wash your hands for 20 seconds everytime you touch a surface. Don’t touch your nose eyes and mouth. Stay away at least 6 feet from people who are coughing and sneezing. Wearing a mask is a myth that won’t stop the virus. It is meant for the medical staff and sick people only. If you feel ill, stay home. Watch your symptoms. If you are running a high fever 100.4 or over, have a dry cough, feel weak and drained, call your doctor immediately. Again, remember also, this is flu and allergy season as well. And also remember, don’t elevate your anxiety to the point to where you really don’t feel well. Know what I mean? Stress and worry lowers your immune system. Take care and try to relax.

Chicago22 profile image
Chicago22 in reply to mdooms

We are fine in the us what are you talking about?

Sallyderek profile image

I have to say.. I have never had Flu and neither has my husband or three of our children. I never worry about illness or anything about health so no I’m not worried at all🙂

pumpkinbagel profile image
pumpkinbagel in reply to Sallyderek

Wow, I would kill to be able to say that I never worried about illness or health. My thoughts are consumed from the moment I wake until I go to sleep again about the possibility of getting an incurable disease (big C is my main fear, every single day, all day). I can't even imagine what it'd be like to go through my days without fear of health!

Sallyderek profile image
Sallyderek in reply to pumpkinbagel

Oh bless you, it’s not nice to be like that as My sister in-law is the same xx

Want2BHappy3 profile image

It’s unpredictable, I’d be more concerned about the Flu? More people are getting that and dying then the coronA virus. There is So much out there I’ve decided to Stop watching the news. No one knows for sure it’s mostly guessing and opinions. Even specialists aren’t sure ?

katrgirl1998 profile image
katrgirl1998 in reply to Want2BHappy3

I agree with your statement. It’s also an election year. They are hyping it, which is knocking down the stock market which they think will make it less likely that Trump will get re-elected. They will try to say he destroyed the economy. As always, this is mostly about money and politics. The regular annual influenza is more dangerous than covid-19.

Sallyderek profile image
Sallyderek in reply to katrgirl1998

We will be told that it’s because of Brexit😂

I'm currently in south korea and cases of coronavirus are escalating here, and about half of 3500 infected cases got infected in a church by a single person. The Korean Government has charged the leader with negligence and mass murder as he is equally holding back the names of other church members which the police needs to test them of the virus. As of now, based on interviews carried out by the police, 9000 out of the 22000 church participants have confessed to having coronavirus symptoms. If they test positive, then I'll surely fly to space and stay there until this is over....

Maybe even now I guess.

katrgirl1998 profile image

Honestly, influenza kills at a higher rate every year than Coronavirus has. Most people will recover as with any other flu. Please try not to panic. The media is always hyping stuff up and trying to scare everyone. Worry when there is actually a solid reason to do so. Till then, live your life. Just wash your hands.

Ceemulann profile image
Ceemulann in reply to katrgirl1998

I agree, if you have a weak immune system it best to take vitamins because I heard it affects them and also people with illnesses such as cancer

katrgirl1998 profile image
katrgirl1998 in reply to Ceemulann

Yes, if your immune system is compromised in any way, I’d take an extra precaution or two but still no panicking.

Sallyderek profile image
Sallyderek in reply to Ceemulann

Really high dose bit C

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to katrgirl1998

I’d like to know what the Hell is going on in China??? Seems like the major diseases like Sars, bird flu etc are coming from there Now Coronavirus??

katrgirl1998 profile image
katrgirl1998 in reply to Want2BHappy3

I agree. A lot of pandemics originate there. Makes you wonder if their research labs aren’t so secure or there is foul play there. It’s scary to think about it being an intentional release.

H1377 profile image

I'm in Sunderland and It is at the back of my mind but it's not got me particularly worried, which is odd as I suffer horrendous health anxiety. I believe the chances of catching it are so slim and far more people are seriously I'll with the flu and survive than caronaviros. I'm just trying to keep it in perspective. That said, if anyone close to home or work had it I'd be ill with worry!

osbo54 profile image

The one thing everyone can do is to "keep calm and carry on." Get your facts and don't believe the hype and the fear mongers. Take precautions and continue to live. Fear and panic leads to people doing very stupid and mean things. Be kind.

Ryan990 profile image

It’s not something I want, but bollocks to the virus . It isn’t going to make me lose sleep.

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