Hey just looking for some reassurance I’ve been struggling with health anxiety depression and panic attacks severely since last October I’ve barely been able to socialise or go out of the house I’ve had to move back to my mums house due to this problem, so had to register at a new doctors and on doing so I had to have a medical and the results came in from my blood tests and she said that my cholesterol is very high it’s at 7 I’m 22 years old and I’m so frightened.
Needs reassurance : Hey just looking for... - Anxiety Support
Needs reassurance

Hi a few years ago my cholesterol level was just over 7 but the nurse wasn't at all concerned and I had no symptoms, no treatment, and it has never affected me so don't worry please. The nurse told me to eat less cheese and switch from white bread to wholemeal and it went down to 6.
Did you get any advice or are you on any treatment? If it was serious you would be getting treatment for it. x
Yeah it was like the nurse scared me but then didn’t give me any medication, which confused me? I’ve already started to change my diet to scared now to put any thing high in fat in my mouth haha! They have given me anti depressants as it could take up to 4 months for me to see someone but I don’t sit comfortable with taking them x
Why not?
Morning hypercat54
I think sometimes they like to send you away and see if we make a change in our diets it will go down naturally before they look at starting meds especially when you are so young like the poster , maybe if it was us that shall we say are more mature they would try giving us them straight away
My husband is one of those that have been told they are boarder line diabetic
Thin as a rail he is , never stops and on paper you would never looking at him think he would be but they told him to cut our sugar ( not that he can avoid to loose any more weight , unlike myself ) and then testing him again in 3 months , if it is the same or gone down they will leave him , if it has gone up they will suggest meds , seems to be how a lot do it now , sort of give us a chance if we are fit in every other way to make changes
You are young and have plenty of time to get that cholesterol down by changing a few things in your diet and hypercat54 is right a few years ago 7 was not considered a worry as such but like a lot of things now they have changed the goal posts and want it lower it is the same with diabetes they used to get you to fast before you had that blood test done , now they don't and there are more people saying they have been told they are borderline diabetic than ever because again they have changed the goal posts !
I know how crippling Health Anxiety can be I suffer myself and have done for a lot of years but never got the help I needed as unlike now these things were not recognised or even talked about
So I would advise you to stop over thinking that result , tweak your diet and the most important thing is ask what they can do to help you with your anxiety , not sure how you feel about meds but there is therapy and Counselling and get it now while you are young so you can live a better quality of life
Pleased you have your Mum about to support you and you have us to when you need to talk
Take Care x

Thank you i was so scared yesterday when they told me I just felt my anxiety hit rock bottom again! Yeah I’m currently waiting to get seen too, as I can’t work it socialise or anything!!! Yeah my mums treating me well, I’m lucky I have my family!
Thank you again x
Hope you are feeling a lot better today and you know where we are if you need to talk x
Hi. You are young diet and exercise will get your cholesterol down cut out all processed food and load up on vegetables and protein and fruit u got this x
Already on it no more chocolate for me! I use to be really active until all of the anxiety depression and panic attacks hit constantly so I actually find it difficult to go through with the exercise x
Exercise is so important. Can you attempt to do just a little bit a day? Eventually you may feel better about increasing the time you spend.
Do you mind telling me the norms for cholesterol?
I'm the US are numbers are different. Did you have a full panel done?
So 2.5 to 5 is suppose to be normal range I managed to do a mini work out today!! And I have quit smoking managed not to have a smoke today!!
I've had high cholesterol for 25 years. What you should focus on are your triglycerides and HDL. Through diet and exercise I've been able to keep those in the normal range without the help of med. God know I take enough meds for my anxiety. And specking of anxiety, exercise has help more than anything. If only I could exercise 24/7
What your cholesterol level at if you don’t mind me asking? Wow 25 years you must have been young when you had it. I just keep thinking from all the dangers and risks online that I’m just going to be so unwell! I’ve managed to do a mini work out today I use to be so active! So I’m going to take it slow as I don’t want to strain my muscles! Also what kind of food do you eat? As there’s again mixed reviews on what to eat so I’m confused! Thank you
No, I'm just old now. lol Someome mentioned we have different cholesterol numbers than you do. Total Cholestrol I've managed to get it down to 200. Should be <=199. It's been as high a 220. Triglyceride 104 <=149
HDL 57 >= 40 LDL 21 <= 29.
Mini workouts are good. You need to take baby-steps before you run a marathon! I don't follow any "fad" diet. I try to stay away from junk food, sodas, fast food, highly processed food (whatever that is??,) etc. I stick mainly to fish, chicken, pork, veggies, fruits. I guess, I just try to eat a sensible diet and watch my portions. Now my Mom on the other-hand lived mostly on ice cream and microwave dinners, yet lived to be a healthy 93. Genes play an important role (Unfortunately, I was adopted.)
Online can be a good source of information, but, it call also be a good source of anxiety.
Good luck with everything. Never be afraid to reach out to us.
Not sure what 200 means but I’m guessing it’s considered borderline High? I’ll keep that in mind I am a peskatarian I’m actually scared now to eat anything that processed and I don’t want to be!! And how lucky haha!! And oh yeah the internet is the worst for me I keep seeing mixed reviews and then it gives me anxiety! Thank you