Hi. Dows anyone ever feel like they are gonna pass out from anxiety? Used to have anxiety a long time ago and have been fine for years .. recently I started with a dizzy spell and ear ringing. Went to ENT, he diagnosed me with Eustachian tube dysfunction. Was on prednisone, Claritin and Flonase for 3 weeks not feeling much better .. went to a neurologist thinking maybe a brain tumor - he did an office test and said it’s all normal. He didn’t think I needed an MRI.. I have now feelings of the floor dropping below me when I walk sometimes .. or rocking on a boat.. it’s so scary. I feel like it’s making me agoraphobic. When I do go out now I get this feeling like everything looks weird and bright and I feel out of it.. then I feel like I’m gonna pass out but I don’t. Is this normal? Well, not normal but common with anxiety?
Feeling like I’m gonna pass out - Anxiety Support
Feeling like I’m gonna pass out

Hi yea I get this ..this is what started my anxiety when outside my home
I get the faintness feeling all the time and constant head pressure and hard to even sit up and stand without the head pressure worsening. And I wake feeling the faintness feeling in the middle of the night too. Anxiety and panic apparently can cause these problems. I had the feeling I moving backwards at stop light in car having to put my car in park because I thought I was moving backwards. Scary. MRI MRA normal. Neuro year stnading normal. Waiting for EEG.
I just had an echocardiogram Thursday but haven’t heard back. Do you have vertigo?
Several years ago I had Benign positional vertigo. That was freaky as heck. And had vertigo then during the day and was given meclizine back then. But that subsided. This feeling is very different from that.,Never had anxiety or panic or neuro symptoms like I do now. Started 16 months ago and it’s very hard. This is more like I feel like I’m going to pass out. And the feeling of moving backwards the ent said he doesn’t know why and said ask neuro and neuro says it’s stress and anxiety related.
I had an echo last year, cardiac stress test, 14 day zeo patch like a heart holster monitor. All ok
Sleeping my heart rate is in the 30s and then usually am around 50-70 and then it can go in fast spurts here and there. But said I was ok
My heart rate is usually high. I have arrhythmia and had an ablation 10 years ago. My blood pressure lately is high which it never is. And now I have eye pressure and had to take a whole glaucoma test.
Years ago I would go into SVTs and head a heart cath I was in my twenties then. Did the beta blocker low dose and I couldn’t handle it. When I have to episodes that is when my heart rate jumps up fast and he did say I was a candidate for something it might have been ablation if it continues to shoot up. But otherwise healthy heart.
Stress, anxiety, ptsd and panic disorder apparently can just wreak havoc on us physically and can cause all kinds of symptoms
You can look at my post , I was at someone’s house doing hair and I got all of a sudden lightheaded, pale, and sweaty and they gave me a cold cloth and it was gone in 5-10 min. The next day I went for bloodwork and had an ecg done and it was fine . My panic attacks are usually fight or flight so this scared me. It sounds like your anxious, when this happened how long dies it last? Do you feel back to normal after? Have you ever fallen from it? Don’t let it make you feel agoraphobic, did the doctor give you breathing exercises or meds? Sorry about all the questions
I get this too from time to time. Happens most when in a busy shopping centre. It has happened a couple of times at home too but I seem to get over it better there. Everything around me becomes sort of unreal, brighter, as you said and then I feel like I am going to pass out, ears ringing etc. Fortunately never have passed out. I have found that thinking to myself that it’s only a feeling, it’s going to pass, I am not going to faint or die from it , that it will soon begin to fade, as always does, helps calm me down.
I have had all your symptoms, tinnitus floor dropping, unbalanced, on a boat feeling, feel like I'm gonna pass out or throw up. Its really affected my life. I had two MRI 's head and neck, all fine, but it didn't make me feel better.
Only time did that and me realising that all my muscle tension and Just fear of my symptoms in general was making me worse.
I am a lot better now, I still have these symptoms sometimes, but I remind myself that I have always been OK, nothing bad has ever happened and I seem to calm down. It's like anxiety is annoyed that it can't trick me anymore, although it does still try though.
You'll be ok... ❤️
Hi...i have suffered with severe bouts of sic k feelings due to anxiety..at times i feel like i wont make it..very weak ..trembling fearful..like im gonna die..unable to sleep no appeite..i try to pray and hang in there...ive recently started taking omega 3 super strength ..im seeing a remarkable improvement to my health and strength..you should try it..