Hi folks, I've been a member of this forum for a couple of months now, but this is my first post. Usually I can type in a symptom and find someone else that has suffered with it through their anxiety and it puts my mind at rest until the next symptom!! lately I have been suddenly feeling very weak and shakey, to the point where I feel like I may pass out, it happens randomly, and not always when I feel stressed or anxious. It feels like I am low on sugar and when I eat something sugary I eventually start to feel better. Has anyone else experienced this, and is it caused by anxiety? I suspected diabetes but blood tests have all come back fine, apart from b12 deficiency which I have had a course of injections for. Thanks in advance folks 😊
Feeling like I might pass out suddenly. - Anxiety Support
Feeling like I might pass out suddenly.

Anxiety can do whacky things with blood sugar. Next time it happens, see if protein helps. The sugar will only help for a little while, then it'll make it plummet (sugar high/sugar crash.) Hows your diet?
I was like you but your okay trust me it happened to be ! Just be easy and read a book called "a life at last " by Paul be safe and hope you get better
Yes I get like that often I always feel like I'm having sugar drops, I know that anxiety uses up your energy quicker then if you were relaxed so I think we can get low blood sugar more often and don't relate it to blood sugar as we at lets say an hour or 2 ago. Try eating every 2 hours and see if it makes a difference.
I also think anxiety symptoms are also similar to blood sugar drop symptoms so it's a little confusing it could be blood sugar or it could just be your anxiety.
Either way you have most test results so I think it is most likely anxiety.
I have these symptoms at irregular intervals and can't link them to a particular stressful episode, either in the past or about to happen. I was at the surgery yesterday and asked again if this was anxiety. I went 3 years ago with similar. My GP said it was a bit unusual but as it settles if I do self calming exercises it probably is. It's been going on so long I don't see what else it could be. I eat a banana. Be well Wendy
I have exactly what you discribe! In fact if I don't eat for 2 -3hrs I start to feel shaky! Bloods fine? I take b complex every day! And up on the salt a little! But the fear of passing out is almost as powerful as feeling faint as you say! No solutions but speak to a therapist about anxiety management-if you trace back what's happening you may find the underlying anxiety!
Michelle sent a link with a few self help ideas I just don't know how to find it and paste it here for you! I'm new at this!
Thinking of you
(Trying to be) peacefulandcalm
Thanks so much for your feedback guys! My diet is generally quite healthy, although working in the catering industry means I can end up going long periods of time without food, so that probably doesn't help, and when it happens in work I rarely have time to stop and eat something! But will definitely try protein instead of sugar and see if that helps when it happens! I always feel better after using this forum and knowing I'm not alone! 😊
It is so important that we are healthy physically in order to deal with our anxiety. We need to have healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to keep our sugar level even. If I get busy and don't take time out to eat, doesn't have to be big meal, I start feeling symptoms of anxiety. About 30 minutes after I eat I start to feel better. We need to eat healthy, exercise, drink water all day long and get enough sleep to stay healthy. This is also true for people without anxiety but it does help us that are working through our anxiety/stress/depression.