Do anyone experience visual anxiety symptoms?
Ex: floating dots, wavy lines, heat wave like images, sensitivity to light.
Do anyone experience visual anxiety symptoms?
Ex: floating dots, wavy lines, heat wave like images, sensitivity to light.
Yes to all those things!
How long have you noticed this?
On and off for a year! More on than off though. They can be super annoying but you can train yourself to look past them and they won't be as noticeable! Also bright lights and blank walls make them more noticeable for me so I wear sunglasses outside and try to look at objects rather than blank spaces if that makes sense! Also had my eyes checked to make sure all was ok. They are fine 😊
Yes, yes and yes lol all of the above!
How long have you noticed this?
I think probably about two years now x
Mines just started in December, I’m not sure how you managed that long bc I can not handle this😩
The more I concentrated on them the more I could see them but I noticed if I was distracted then I didn’t notice them as much. Have you seen an optician?
I just started getting those symptoms a few weeks ago. Totally freaked me out. I had to have the dr check everything out so I could stop panicking about it. They said it’s just my anxiety.
OMG! Y’all have made me feel so much better! Started freaking out thinking I was losing my vision😭
May be the meds you are on can create these symptoms. If in doubt look them up on side effects and interactions with fooda nd drugs. I am on a diuretic which advises not to go into bright sun light, but I have so many environment intolerances from ammonia and strong bleaches in floor cleaners and in . My husband might use ammonia to clean the sink but my eyes water if I get s whiff of it. Similarly floaters, and might be more noticeable when you have overhead glare from artificial daylight. By wearing grey tinted glasses through out the day and for computer work this might help. I have long distance glasses for shopping and driving tinted grey, and also grey tinted computer glasses. I also have cataracts which are said to be caused by sunlight, so protecting your eyes by wearing sunglasses with uvb and uva glare may help.
I would question anxiety as the main cause of floaters, and would go to your eye doctor. I went through a few weeks of seeing a black spider drop before my eyes. It went with wearing sunglasses. I use polaroid. I have to draw the curtains as the light can hurt my eyes. No need to reply.