My blood pressure goes up and down a lot from 149/86 to 119/69 and does it a lot is this normal
Is it only me : My blood pressure goes up... - Anxiety Support
Is it only me
Hello! I'm no doctor or have any medical expertise but I think it may be anxiety. Do you have anxiety? If so, what is contributing to your fluctuating blood pressure? You can always speak to your physician or talk to your therapist.
I'm agoraphobic I never leave my house its been that way for 6 years now and xant get the doctor
I understand. Have you talked to anyone about this?
I don't really have anyone besides my mom I was just hoping to find someone who is going threw the same thing
I see. Talk to her and see what she says.
To measure blood pressure accurately sit down for 5 minutes, no talking, not after a meal. Relax. Take bp once and the again after 2 minutes and again after another 2 minutes. No talking remember. Then add the 3 readings up and divide by 3. That's your accurate reading. If it's below 140/90 then in the u.k. that's considered normal. In the u.s. normal is lower than that.
Blood pressure is constantly changing from minute to minute due to physical movement and anxious thoughts etc. For reassurance talk to your doctor but the bp when he takes your bp will probably be higher due to white coat syndrome.
I have that
what town do you live in?
I live in the usa in Michigan
I'd trust your mom's response to your problems. Mother's KNOW their kids......... Might sound silly, but ask her if she would hold your hand and the both of you go outside.
I am no doctor, but there might be reasons you are seeing this reading and it is not accurate. Maby the instrument is inaccurate. Maybe your mom could try it a few times to see if it does the same thing on her. Perhaps you could look at some YouTube videos on the proper way to take blood pressure. Could you get a second instrument to use at the same time to test. Are you putting it in the same place on your arm, and sitting in the same position? Jeff1943 had some good suggestions. I hope you get over this problem soon and find other things to do. Look up bodyweight exercise. Start moving more if you can. That helps me. Wishing you well.