Hi all,
Since I am posting again in such a short period of time it would appear I am having a terrible anxiety relapse.
I often have 'panic attack' symptoms, usually at night, but at the moment my anxiety seems to be more constant all day.
I got married last week and just before this I had tonsillitis. I think both the wedding and the timing of the tonsillitis really impacted on my anxiety levels. After the wedding, I was hoping it would go but we went straight on honeymoon and I still had a throat infection (which got a bit worse) and I went into panic overload.
I have had a range of symptoms over the past few days all of which I felt were linked to my throat but actually the most of caused by my anxiety.
I am currently sat up trembling all over, my head feels funny, my ears are ringing and I keep feeling wave of pressure down my body my breathing isn't right and I keep trying to take deeper breaths and keep my shaking under control so my head doesn't start shaking because that scares me. Has anyone any advice on what to do?
I am going to the doctors tomorrow but I think I am so tense about it I feel so weird.
I know I need to get a grip of it myself but has anyone got any advice? I am starting to feel really helpless (which is making it worse) because I thought I had defeated anxiety/ could control it but this seems to be horrible feelings all the time so I can't control it all the same
Feeling really low and worried.
Thank you!