I suffer from panic disorder, but lately I’ve been waking up in the morning from a dead sleep trembling like a leaf, blurry vision and heart pounding, can’t think or see straight. This is a new symptom for me, anyone experience this and any tricks to do before bed to avoid it?
Waking up in panic: I suffer from panic... - Anxiety Support
Waking up in panic

Sorry to hear this is happening to you.
I don’t suffer from panic disorder but GAD and OCD and I wake up like this some mornings. I don’t have the solution, I’m afraid, but wanted you to know you’re not alone in experiencing this.
I tend to find it happens in times when my anxiety is heightened more generally. Reducing my anxiety/stress in everyday life tends to reduce this happening. It’s tough and I hope you get some relief from these symptoms soon.
Take care of yourself,
I understand. For over a year I woke up TERRIFIED, with the symptoms you describe. I had to push myself so hard to get out of bed and face the day. Then the depression would set in and I’d be back in bed anyway. With meds and counseling, mornings have become my favorite time of day. Good luck with your struggle
I have anxiety and I find I wake up most mornings trembling and I also feel nauseous. However once I focus on something else I find the feelings do start to pass. I usually start by drinking water and then picking up my iPad just like today. I think it’s waking up and then getting that sudden rush of cortisol which has built up in the body while I have been sleeping. In answer to your question though I can’t think of anything to avoid it but I think it’s nice to know you are not alone. Maybe it’s worse at times of heightened stress and worry.
Take care.
Ugh , yes. I actually had two terrible attacks like this while I was on Prozac and had to stop taking it. As my general anxiety levels went down though, the attacks became less frequent. I did have one a couple nights ago - woke up with a start, heart pounding, rush of a adrenaline and nausea. Also kind of felt like my body was floating, but I did some beating exercises and managed to get back to sleep. Very annoying, but if you can get your anxiety down in general, I think it’ll get better
Anybody have the really blurry vision like you can’t see? It clears once I’ve settled down