Hi. So I had a concussion a year ago and it really messed up my neck and caused me to develop horrid health anxiety. I had always had anxiety but it was never debilitating or health related. I started having panic attacks about my health and had to go to physio for my beck because it turns out i had a horrible neck injury. The physio really helped with my anxiety!
Now a year later I got another concussion, (yup bad luck) but only on one side of my head? So this kid fell on me off a playground and her forgead smashed into the left side of my forehead. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a mild concussion and hairline fracture by my left eye.
Now whenever I lay on the left I get this cold, wet sometimes tingly feeling on the top left side of my head and it freaks me out. I keep thinking I have a brain bleed but it's been 2 weeks and I think I would have really noticed intense symptoms by now if i had one. Is this an anxiety symptom?? It really bothers me and mostly happens when I lay down the left side... sometimes I will feel it get cold at work but I always calm myself by looking for the nearest air vent and telling myself it's the A/C blowing on me or something...
Thanks for any advice